Author Topic: The Great NA War -Losses To date-  (Read 61868 times)

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #615 on: August 29, 2013, 03:42:04 am »
Oh come now, who hasn't had a smear on their record? I mean, you've got a pretty dirty record from the clans you've been in. Specially the betrayals against originally allies...

Strat isn't fun cause of people like you who bring up shit from super far in the past and use it over, and over and over and, horse is dead already btw, and over and over......

Remember that time X [faction/person] did Y [deed]? Ahahaha what a horrible [faction/person], serves you right to get [deed] done to you.

This ^  :rolleyes:

We bled 50K tickets taking out fidlgb and chaos fiefs - the time was perfectly ripe for occitan to attack us at the end of the peace agreement - their big offensive? Doing nothing for an entire month after that.  I'm sorry, but we don't recruit troops at the same rate you guys do and we don't have most of the map allied with us making trade runs easy.  We bled 30-35K in the hospitaller war shortly before chaos and fidlgb and 20K with NH and Frisians overlapping those two conflicts.  We have been burning constantly while all most of our enemies have been building up to attack us (hell occitan building for over 6 months).  They can easily do a 1 for 2 in every battle and still have tens of thousands of troops leftover, and yet still you guys are whining there are no new battles and you don't realize that almost half the large battles in the last 12 months were involving fcc, almost always on the offensive.  If you want battles use your overwhelming numbers and attack.  Hell we've taken plenty of castles and cities with the odds far less in our favor.

I'm whining because there are no new battles and two of the largest factions on NA won't attack anyone, for whatever reason. It's not just one side's fault, is all I'm saying, even if another side has a good track record previously.

I don't think you guys would be screwing yourselves as much as you think if you instigated a few more battles; what happened to the whole "against all odds" attitude? But of course it's up to you. Whining about what other people do or don't do? Whining that they're whining about the same thing? Well, hello kettle.

I have my doubts that more battles would even make this war as a whole much more interesting. Better than nothing, though, I guess.

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #616 on: August 29, 2013, 03:49:02 am »
I think our stance is this.. Even if we go 2-1 (which is not very likely) we would still run out of troops before we made a large enough dent in what is against us in terms of just numbers of troops on the map that we can see.

So we wait for an opportunity to arise that levels the playing field some.
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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #617 on: August 29, 2013, 03:59:04 am »
Pfaugh, playing to win. What is this, strat 2?

Y'oughta live upta them nerves noives of wrought iron what made yew the faction what ye'are t'day. Hyuk.

I'll come up with something for us all to do myself; let those who speak of action yet take none be damned.

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #618 on: August 29, 2013, 04:03:34 am »
If I had my way we would be attacking. Sitting around waiting is boring. Have not been able to convince enough people. Tho I do find it pretty crappy that we are not attacked more
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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #619 on: August 29, 2013, 06:52:56 am »
I'll come up with something for us all to do myself; let those who speak of action yet take none be damned.

Say the leader of a faction that his sole offensive action this whole Strat was to attack the Fallen castle and give up...

Sorry had to say it!  :lol: :mrgreen:
A lot of people in the NA community know that Dach rages and in the process of his uncontrollable rage, he tends to kick people.

You've been warned! :twisted:

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #620 on: August 29, 2013, 06:53:58 am »
Say the leader of a faction that his sole offensive action this whole Strat was to attack the Fallen castle and give up...

Sorry had to say it!  :lol: :mrgreen:

correction fallen merge into fcc so chaos stop attacking sorry had to say it :P
Desire: pls smite FCC 2.0 T.T

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #621 on: August 29, 2013, 06:58:20 am »
no no, we gave the castle to FCC AFTER the attack stopped.
A lot of people in the NA community know that Dach rages and in the process of his uncontrollable rage, he tends to kick people.

You've been warned! :twisted:

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #622 on: August 29, 2013, 07:03:25 am »
A late addition here; we'll be attacking as much as our activity will allow. The school semester has started and many of our members are busy with college as well as working. We're still nerds of course, so much of our free time will be dedicated to internet swords n' horses, but there is simply less free time to go around. If we ain't attacking during a given week it is because we have not had the time or willpower to organize it, or we do not have the resources. Lately, we have had an excess of tickets and a decent amount of silver so we've been refraining from attacking through a combination of deficits in the area of time, willpower, and nerd-enthusiasm. It's silly to say "YOU AREN'T ATTACKING BECAUSE YOU'RE SCARED ROFL"

Don't worry though, we got our shit together. You'll have attacks for a few days anyway.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 09:13:23 am by Sandersson Jankins »
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #623 on: August 29, 2013, 08:28:30 am »
Don't worry though, we got our shit together. You'll have attacks for a few days anyway.

Great, looking forward to xp and fun battles!
Lemon Luther King JR, has a dream, where all trolls are treated with fairness and equality. Lemon's want to be able to vote, and ride in the front of the bus, and drink from the same fountain that we do. Please right this inequality

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #624 on: August 29, 2013, 03:14:46 pm »
Economically, it would be better for you to attack now, as we will keep generating income based on our holdings.  We are going to have more money than everyone else, and at some point it will become impossible to hurt us.  Our lead will increase exponentially.  Attack us.  The time is now.

All you're missing is "come at me bro". Unfortunately for you, you don't get to dictate what your enemies do or how they play.

Actually, "come at me bro" would fit quite nicely here: we poked all them ant hills with a stick. Not once, not twice, but all the damn time the last months. And we didn't just dip it in, oh no. We poked that shit so hard, queen ants were flying all over the place and you could make ant egg omelets the size of a football field. So hard even that some ant colonies went full survival mode and formed huge monster ant hills full of mutated, flesh eating killer ants.

Now we are back home and should be scared. Like real scared, because a gazillion of fucking antzillas have "kill the FCC" tattooed on the inside of their eye lids, if ants have eye lids.

Yet we are sitting there, sipping our hot chocolate in front of the TV, front door wide open and we take all the time we want to casually sharpen our sticks. Hell, we might even open a stick market soon to sell 'em lest the good wood start rotting from neglect.

We got wood, and nothing to stick it in. Are you an ant or a can't? It's a party at our house this time around.

Come at us, bros!
For while the fire in the heart of a single Remnant still burns... can Stratia truly have fallen?

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #625 on: August 29, 2013, 03:16:57 pm »
jack1's army had arrived at its destination. After months of masterbation there was only one thing that could get jack1's loads out now and that was bunga bunga.
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #626 on: August 29, 2013, 06:19:23 pm »
Actually, "come at me bro" would fit quite nicely here: we poked all them ant hills with a stick. Not once, not twice, but all the damn time the last months. And we didn't just dip it in, oh no. We poked that shit so hard, queen ants were flying all over the place and you could make ant egg omelets the size of a football field. So hard even that some ant colonies went full survival mode and formed huge monster ant hills full of mutated, flesh eating killer ants.

Now we are back home and should be scared. Like real scared, because a gazillion of fucking antzillas have "kill the FCC" tattooed on the inside of their eye lids, if ants have eye lids.

Yet we are sitting there, sipping our hot chocolate in front of the TV, front door wide open and we take all the time we want to casually sharpen our sticks. Hell, we might even open a stick market soon to sell 'em lest the good wood start rotting from neglect.

We got wood, and nothing to stick it in. Are you an ant or a can't? It's a party at our house this time around.

Come at us, bros!

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #627 on: August 29, 2013, 11:27:32 pm »
If someone wants to do a theme field  battle vs. a viking army feel free to attack this guy. he is afk indefinitely but geared for 1500.

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #628 on: August 30, 2013, 02:54:44 am »
Let's all unite and attack EU for the lulz! What else are we gonna do? FCC has a shitload of troops and is getting richer by the minute! The rest of us are bored. Let's do it!

Edit: Kesh, all your negative vote does is admit you're a pussy so scared of EU. GF.
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« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 03:50:49 am by Brontosauce »

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Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« Reply #629 on: August 30, 2013, 04:00:26 am »
Let's all unite and attack EU for the lulz! What else are we gonna do? FCC has a shitload of troops and is getting richer by the minute! The rest of us are bored. Let's do it!

Edit: Kesh, all your negative vote does is admit you're a pussy so scared of EU. GF.
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lol, rage much.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo