Recently, former officers and their cronies of Hero Party have shown to be cowardly, petty, and selfish. Once Hero Party looked like it was going to meet its biggest test yet, upholding our alliance with friends Occitan against the Velucan invasion, people began showing their own true colors.
After leeching our resources for months, Tydeus took everything Hero Party gave him and abandoned the clan with 3k troops and a million gold, in order to sell it to our enemies for personal wealth. The content of this man's character cannot be in question: he's a dick.
While this was going on, he decided this screwjob of Semenstorm and JABRONA, who did no wrong, was not enough. He decided to clandestinely transfer his castle, one of only two precious castles Hero Party owns and our only major producer of weapons, to BADPLAYER, who would follow in the footsteps of Shik and Tydeus and abandon the clan.
Shik decided to take his army and #yolo into FCC and quit with honor, and that has my respect.
Tydeus decided to take his army and sell it for personal gain, despite at least 80 percent of its resources being contributed by our clanmates. That just makes me think "lol what a douchebag."
BADPLAYER is now trying to deprive Hero Party of our fundamental rights: bad assed castles and tons of expensive, overpowered weapons so our elite few troops and players can slay twice as many foes. He has already left Hero Party while swearing to respec the PP and sell it to our enemies, ruining our source of weapons and one of our best strongholds in the slowly shrinking desert. He did this because he thinks its "funny to me so why take Strat so serious Hero Party is full of shitty people anyways and this castle is mine"
But Semenstorm will not go quietly into the night. JABRONA will not vanish without a fight. Hero Party will live on, we will survive. Today we celebrate.. Independence Day.
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