Author Topic: First they came for...  (Read 7582 times)

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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2013, 10:30:54 pm »
Dude, the problem was Kesh and a few others calling us out for cheating, hacking, exploiting, and being shit literally every time we did anything for months.  No one started anything or had any problems, it simply became a tsunami of shit from Kesh's keyboard and mouth insulting us, and a few brownnosers like MURDERTRON who don't know what's going on but believe Kesh.  This started within a day of wanting to fight LLJK/Bird Clan for no reason.  He's awful with regards to Strat, bitter arrogant and curiously vitriolic, and seen as your leader, so...

Regardless not asking for help here myself, I'm just calling turtle clans (you know who you are) out for being useless and hoping world war happens.

I'm sorry, were you talking about Kesh or yourself?  I got confused by the identical accusations.  Well, except that you whine more.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 10:35:01 pm by Trillian »

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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2013, 10:33:28 pm »
im tired of this occitan sob story. You guys have almost as many troops as us if not more, and you are on defense.

Do we have the advantage? Yes.
Do use diplomacy to better ourselves? Yes.

You cry on the forums about our size before any battles have even happened.

The first time robert showed his nipples on these forums was for our last defense in the previous strat. We were outnumbered way more than you are now and had less castles and no towns or allies with any land. But when strat ended we had both of our castles and more troops and gear then we did when we started. Yah i can stretch my E-peen too.

Why? because defense is easy mode, ask the new UIF in there attempt to kill the old UIF. Why not let a few sieges happen before you start crying? I think bulugha castle was on siege 7 or 8 when hospitaller quit coming for more and we were carting excess gear to our other castle

oh and for those of you who forgot:
(click to show/hide)

im down with the forum wars, absolutely love em, but do you guys really want to take the QQ road?

My question is wtf are you talking about... I don't think most of us have been crying about anything concerning this war yet. All i did was state facts. Did i go around crying to have support from everybody else on the map to put it up your asses? Hell no and i won't. All i did was say what i think and i think you guys have too much land and too much economical power And that every time you roll over a clan, there's less and less chances that the remaining can match your strength.

Were not done yet and if it has to come to this, we will go down fighting, you don't have to worry about that
While you burn at the stake, i dance with the flames

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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2013, 10:38:39 pm »
Everybody really has to stop accusing other people of whining. It's shitty.

Like, I asked for Arowaine to change his nighttime 2 hours ahead because I thought it would be better for the community and better for them. Course, I was wrong and we lost 1.2k shiny troops from an 8am fight, but I REALLY thought they would be the ones to get screwed.

In response, Arowaine told me that we were all fat, whiny welfare babies that played cRPG 24/7 and couldn't possibly have families, lives, jobs, etc.

On the other side of the coin, Les Chevalier Occitan really hasn't done much whining either. It's shitty to accuse somebody of whining....because that is, in fact, a whine in of itself.

So yeah guys, you really gotta stop that shit. I hate to be the "GUISE STOP FIGHTING IT MAKES ME UPSET" but call eachother names or some bullshit. It doesn't much matter, just comon, don't accuse people of cheating, don't say they're whining, and don't bring IRL shit into it. Nobody is really whining until they're whining ABOUT WHINING.

Oh, and as an after-thought, calling people multi-accounters is pretty shit. Yeah, I can understand why you'd think that, and I really can't tell if you're just doing the whole forum trollan' thing, but I've pretty much had personal experience with the "multi-accounts" in question. I'm not going to divulge proof because it's not my right nor my place to do so, but comon man. Don't call hax. The only thing I can recall where Kesh or anyone accused you of shit are those stupid field battles where you threw ladders everywhere and it wasn't accepted at the time.

Oh, and that time BADPLAYER had like 90480917410923810 crates.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 10:55:05 pm by Sandersson Jankins »
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2013, 10:39:56 pm »
I'm sorry, were you talking about Kesh or yourself?  I got confused by the identical accusations.  Well, except that you whine more.

Oh, Kesh was and probably still is a multiaccounter, along with a few of your other members.  There's no doubt about that.  Only a matter of when they get permabanned for it.  Besides that, no one really cares. 

Oh right, Trillian is one of Kesh's multiaccounts, lmao
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 10:44:17 pm by Smoothrich »
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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2013, 10:43:40 pm »
I'm sorry, were you talking about Kesh or yourself?  I got confused by the identical accusations.  Well, except that you whine more.

Why hello Kesh's "girlfriend"!

Good lord, I am bored with diplomacy.

I wonder how you can be bored of diplomacy when you are new to strategus..

Newer player here.  How do I actually join strategus?
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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2013, 10:46:16 pm »
Newer player here.  How do I actually join strategus?

Isn't transferring gold, troops, and gear obtained from cheating (multi-accounting) a form of cheating like if someone duplicated a bunch of gold/gear then transferred it to you and you then used it???  I don't who Occitan is, but I already have a very low opinion of them as essentially cheaters after looking at what they are doing.

If they had any sense of integrity they would allow those fiefs to be attacked by their enemies who would face whoever the AI hired.  Of course it is amazing how much people can rationalize away their integrity when it involves their side possibly losing (which they should have lost already if not for massive amounts of cheating in every strategus from what I have heard).

Occitan - permanent -1 in my book as a clan not to be trusted not to cheat or help cheaters if losing is at risk

Angy long-winded rants about clans cheating within 3 days of joining Strateegus????  They grow up os FAstT
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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2013, 10:52:04 pm »
I don't think anyone is complaining about you attacking Hobb, obvious to everyone it was gonna happen sooner or later so who cares let's just have some fun?

Personally I would rather lose wars than fight with clans of people who I don't like to "win strategus"(not directed at you specifically, but it is the case for majority of your clan)

Thanks for clarifying, but there is only one person in my strat clan and that is me. I attacked Tugboat of Kutt for being an ass-hat for my own reasons and then had a couple battles with Hospy under Khorin's command when HP was at war with Hospitaller. My decisions to help LLJK, then Hero Party, then Bird Clan, and various other factions were because they were the underdog. I'm not playing strat to win, I'm playing to surprise random people with ninjas throwing smokebombs at them once in a while. I'm here to have fun.

I owned Vayejeg at the start and traded it to the FCC for a future fief that I would claim after I returned from my war with the Josho Shogunate. Khorin gave me 400 some troops, but after that my entire army, gold, and equipment are self generated. I've tried to be as legit in my independence as possible.

I even signed up on Hospitaller's side when Plague went rouge. :3 I'm still awaiting my merc payment for going 9/3 for you guys, but I get the feeling I'll never receive it.
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Offline Trillian

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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2013, 10:54:29 pm »
Angy long-winded rants about clans cheating within 3 days of joining Strateegus????  They grow up os FAstT

Okay, #1:
It was my first experience with a battle and listening to Kesh talk to people on TS was boring me so I wrote that Ismirala thing. 

I really didn't know how to join strategus.  This game is not user-friendly.

That one from November 7th?  Copy and pasting Kesh. 

As for cheating: honestly, I wouldn't even know how to cheat.  I can barely master blocking.  (Ask Rogue.  I probably made him cry with my fail.)

Plus, people in TS know I'm real. 

« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 11:01:14 pm by Trillian »

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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2013, 11:02:21 pm »
Okay, #1:
It was my first experience with a battle and listening to Kesh talk to people on TS was boring me so I wrote that Ismirala thing. 

I really didn't know how to join strategus.  This game is not user-friendly.

That one from November 7th?  Copy and pasting Kesh. 

As for cheating: honestly, I wouldn't even know how to cheat.  I can barely master blocking.  (Ask Rogue.  I probably made him cry with my fail.)

Much like the dozen or more posts on your forum account that were deleted, then Kesh posted something Strat related an hour or two later? 

Its rather obvious he uses your Strategus account constantly, and has accidently posted from your account after managing your Strat character from the web page.  Also, the fake "im new but ___ are cheaters" is weird and suspcious.  In fact, that post was  deleted, but only saved because I quoted it to make fun of the rager.

Basically, what you/Kesh/several other FCC people have been doing is against the rules, and Kesh has been the giddiest person seeing russian clans get banned for multi accounting, because he knows he gets away with it.  I hope you don't have any heirlooms or attachment to your character, because they will be getting permabanned because of Kesh's actions eventually.
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Offline Sandersson Jankins

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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #39 on: February 07, 2013, 11:10:53 pm »
Much like the dozen or more posts on your forum account that were deleted, then Kesh posted something Strat related an hour or two later? 

Its rather obvious he uses your Strategus account constantly, and has accidently posted from your account after managing your Strat character from the web page.  Also, the fake "im new but ___ are cheaters" is weird and suspcious.  In fact, that post was  deleted, but only saved because I quoted it to make fun of the rager.

Basically, what you/Kesh/several other FCC people have been doing is against the rules, and Kesh has been the giddiest person seeing russian clans get banned for multi accounting, because he knows he gets away with it.  I hope you don't have any heirlooms or attachment to your character, because they will be getting permabanned because of Kesh's actions eventually.

That road is really a fucking slippery one, friend.

For all you know, I could have my buddy named Forrest stop by my house on his way to work and school, log on my PC, and move my motherfucker on strat. Of course it's going to be suspect if two or more players actually do live together and they're in the same faction, but what the fuck can you do?

You're forced to either deal with it, basically. You can't install monitoring in their home, you can't install face or fingerprint recognition. It's seriously UNENFORCABLE.

Multiple CD keys simply being manipulated as Greys did is a much simpler affair. However, when you're dealing with actual people that do, in fact, play this game and strategus, how the fuck can you enforce them not fucking with oneanother's accounts?


This is such a miniscule issue it shouldn't even be discussed because it just pisses both parties off. Do you really think that FCC gets an advantage because they've got a grand fucking total of TWO suspect players that have been near-proven to be actual people?

Comon man. Git yer shit together.
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

Offline Trillian

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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2013, 11:13:31 pm »
I really don't care about any of this.  I just like being in battles (where I'm the bestest human shield) and move myself around strat when Kesh tells me.  I'm a real person (unless we start an existential debate, but then all of reality is called into question) and I like attempting to hit virtual people with my virtual sword.  (When do I get to shield-bash?  That seems like something I could do.)

Also, it's a little insulting that you think Kesh and I are the same person.  My grammar, spelling, even my syntax is far superior. 

*drops mic and walks off stage*

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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #41 on: February 07, 2013, 11:20:42 pm »

This is such a miniscule issue it shouldn't even be discussed because it just pisses both parties off. Do you really think that FCC gets an advantage because they've got a grand fucking total of TWO suspect players that have been near-proven to be actual people?

Comon man. Git yer shit together.

No, but when Kesh collects the spare CD keys of every FCC member, it starts to become a problem, and its kind of silly that they were allowed to get away with it for so long.  Were you around when Kesh was literally multiboxing cRPG accounts for XP by logging into various servers at once?  He only got worse from there, and used FCC cd keys as his playthings.
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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #42 on: February 07, 2013, 11:21:00 pm »
You guys need to have a massive orgy already.

Would help relieve all this tension.
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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2013, 11:25:35 pm »
2:28 AM <REDACTED> I know mos tof them had multiple keys.
2:29 AM <REDACTED> and kesh would definitely multiaccount tons of them at at the same time lol
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Re: First they came for...
« Reply #44 on: February 07, 2013, 11:32:13 pm »
No, but when Kesh collects the spare CD keys of every FCC member, it starts to become a problem, and its kind of silly that they were allowed to get away with it for so long.  Were you around when Kesh was literally multiboxing cRPG accounts for XP by logging into various servers at once?  He only got worse from there, and used FCC cd keys as his playthings.

I'm new here.

But for real, I'm kinda new here. I don't know about shit that went on way back when and I don't give too many fucks about it either. I work a hell of a lot closer on strat with FCC than you (being their vassal and all) and I can think for myself. Haven't seen a lick of anything sketchy from them that hasn't been dispelled.
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?