Author Topic: Yo Occitan!  (Read 21412 times)

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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #210 on: March 16, 2013, 03:04:07 am »
My favorite part is when Kesh -1 another post especially when that post isn't even bashing on him but merely pointing out that he is being a douche.

That one would be this one
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lawl good stuff
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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #211 on: March 16, 2013, 03:16:48 am »
Deliberately leaving out the part where that caravan took S&D from us without asking? Yeah, "tainted". But in reality I didn't mind the act of your clan member so much as I minded your pleas to let him go based on our past friendship - asking us to disregard things that are happening in the present and ignore active and real wrongs against our faction because you and I "used to be bros". I'm not sorry for playing the game. I hadn't thought about that ordeal until you brought it up, though.

You seem to have forgotten that we didn't even speak of it until after he got attacked by KUTT, I actually wasn't even aware that CHAOS was connected to the attack until someone started talking about it in the battle itself.  You told me that you had someone trying to attack him, but he got away.  I was fairly upset that you didn't even try to contact me, and if I could have had him return the goods I certainly would have.

Well, yeah, I'd rather be best friends with someone who actually will come and talk to me other than when he's demanding something from me (something you share in common with Kesh, incidentally!).

So, as to where you've gotten the idea that I was pleading / demanding, I'm not sure.  It's hard to beg an NA faction to not attack a guy who's already in EU.  I actually had forgotten about the whole ordeal once you started fighting Teutonics, I even opened up our village to you guys for commerce.  The only thing that hinted at any hostilities between us at that point was when you called me a tool bag for joking around with an HP guy who was doing the same thing, you're silly if you think I'm being serious when I tell someone that they are a recently fucked nerd.

Aside from that, sorry if you think less of me because I wanted to try my own thing in Strategus for once.  Hell, in Strat 2 (3?) we helped CHAOS and DRZ fight FCC, we even had a pretty nice sized army ready to roll up until they wiped all of the gold and gear.

I'm not a parrot, I speak my mind as I always will and always have, and quite frankly I'm offended that you think I'd blindly support anyone without even thinking for myself.  The only person I consider to be a friend in FCC is Murdertron, I don't really know the rest of them well enough to go past calling them acquaintances.  If you want to call me a parrot of anybody, make it Digglez, I admire his brutal honesty and fierce attitude, the guy's a true viking.



My favorite part is when Kesh -1 another post especially when that post isn't even bashing on him but merely pointing out that he is being a douche.

That one would be this one
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lawl good stuff

My favorite part is that people take the voting system seriously, I realize I've called people out on it too but that was out of frustration, not fright that my forum E-Peen might shrink.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 03:19:49 am by Artyem »
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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #212 on: March 16, 2013, 03:16:53 am »
Waoh. Woah. Whoa.

Right now, this thread is almost as gay as I am. That's pretty darn gay and some would even say that one "shouldn't go there."

I mean, this is sticking-a-carrot-in-some-dude's-ass-when-he's-sleeping level gay right here. I like gay as much as the next gay man but let's be honest here.

Let's take this thread back to its original purpose, which of course is admiring Rob and envying his large dick.

Rob I lurve youuuu.

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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #213 on: March 16, 2013, 03:25:22 am »
Most of his loss of respect probably comes from parroting your opinions

Pretty much sums you up arty, from what ive seen here. Not sure how you dont see it, you even +1 Kesh's especially insane posts that not even his own officers who have known/been friends with for years would +1. Like the thread he just made on hosptaller trying to hide their numbers so they could be seen as an underdog or something crazy like that.
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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #214 on: March 16, 2013, 03:29:38 am »
Pretty much sums you up arty, from what ive seen here. Not sure how you dont see it, you even +1 Kesh's especially insane posts that not even his own officers who have known/been friends with for years would +1. Like the thread he just made on hosptaller trying to hide their numbers so they could be seen as an underdog or something crazy like that.

Just tossing a random thought into the mix:

+1ing something does not mean anything. Hell I + people based on whether the post makes me giggle at work. Not the content inside it. People take that crap way too seriously. Ive known Artyem for almost 2 years now, hes no parrot of anybody and to think otherwise shows a complete lack of knowledge of Artyem as a person or a clan leader.

Sidenote: Before anybody jumps onto the "oh your allied so of course your going to defend him" nonsense, let it be known I was once in Dracul but I left over personal issues dealing with Artyem directly.

Edit: Also if plusing somebody is the sole reason Artyem is being called a parrot then shame on all of you, that is such a weak argument and unworthy of serious discourse.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 03:35:32 am by Relit »

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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #215 on: March 16, 2013, 03:34:24 am »
My favorite part is that people take the voting system seriously, I realize I've called people out on it too but that was out of frustration, not fright that my forum E-Peen might shrink.

Re-post, there's more than one reason to +1 or -1 somebody.  I usually +1 Kesh because I think he's funny, I don't perceive his posts as uber nerd rage like you apparently do.

let it be known I was once in Dracul but I left over personal issues dealing with Artyem directly.

And you're not the only one.  I am not Kesh, I am an asshole of a complete different variety.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 03:37:58 am by Artyem »
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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #216 on: March 16, 2013, 04:26:29 am »
Canary is better at sounding reasonable than Kesh but he has his sketchy strat moments just like everyone else who has been serious in strat (myself included as Gore is sure to point out).

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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #217 on: March 16, 2013, 04:34:40 am »
I find it particularly humorous that after all of that bitching about people giving you shit for being French Canadian, you still come here and start trash talking people's social and private lives.  Whether what you say is true or not, you're a fucking douche bag and a hypocrite.

You went from "waaahh community called us frogs, stoopid meany hedz" to saying that everybody who isn't French Canadian and in Occitan / Cheveliers (whatever the fuck name you go by) are inferior .

What little respect I had for you and your co-leaders just flew out the window.

sorry kesh maybe went out of my frenchies rudness . I will personally apologize to you kesh for briging personal life stuff on the net and also being rude toward ats/fcc was totaly disrespectfull from me(will delete my post rigth after) .I was being a total nerd rager sorry yeah im a troll and a rager sometimes but that is me probably due to my lack of english to express myself!I make a fool of myself as usual so not a big deal i guess...

I just cant belive it that our faction dont have the rigth to have our own nigth time so we can at least have a sleeping schedule proper to our time zone and can actually play our own battle when we get attack at a decent time or a time we can have someone to take care of roster and application, don't have the rigth to do mistake while typing since it is my 2 language and always have someone too smart to make me notice i have done a mistake yeah sorry for butchering your language maybe i should have learn better at scool probably at least most of the time people are able to understand me mostly! dont have the rigth to play on Na or Eu, dont have the rigth to have fair figth at proper time(the time i know my guys can come for battle and actually enjoy the game and try it/get involve).Every single one of you have something to brag and have something to whine about.

As for kesh talked to you many time before you are totaly nice/smooth talker friendly kind on ts but on the other hand on the forum dam man just stop it every time i read one of your post always the same blablabla ho they have done this they have done that(cheater etc etc)... ho you post something against me! you have a differents opinion then me you are being hostile after trash talk about them to other people like me as a example.Comon you worth better then that.

as for you Artyem never meet, you never talked to me... unforthunatly you never had the chance to know me! As far as i am concern you are probably rigth to lisent people around you without making your own opinion....that is really smart, But hey at least be sure the time will make you grow up if not to bad.

Occitan when we started strat we were totaly fresh, great/open to anyone even fcc i personaly showed for fcc can you belive it! yeah i did cause compare to other people when we say something...We keep our word. Every clan has it own rules and his own code of conduct, as a leader i know it. Every clan leader is free to either stick to their code of conduct or stick for the best interest of their own clan/keep their clan active/alive. I respect that personally and its fine in my book. I personally don't care about losing in strat we lost against templard/coalition maybe going to lose against ve maybe not. We went back on na after union get banned due to cheating(multi accounting(sharing)) and some people invited us back and the hate was drop... that is me/occitan. Ve is great opponent maybe some time we were a bit mad due to strat mechanic and they were probably mad aswell, when it happen to them, but yeah its a game after all.Occitan/chev when the war started were at war against (frisia due to a land claim) end up was against (the coalition called Fimbulvetr) Ve jumped on us after (smart of them in a way and realistic too since they were ally to nh) Even if we were 70(hp no real number cause most of them were not playing or just wanted a purple text in game in my opinion) vs around160 menber count maybe. We did not go around and ask for help(we did for merc tough) we didnt ask for it we to make huge coalition let people take their own side and decide by their own wills this is how the game is supose to be in my mind tough everyone has their own opinion. Yeah friend is important but the way the game should be play is more and if someone isnt able to understand that then to bad you lose a internet friend but at least you bring something interesting and something entertaning to the game so people can actually play it read interesting forum stuff and the most important have fun .(This is all from my personaly point of view and EVERYONE is free to thing something eles EVEN you kesh)

In the end yeah strategus has is lack trouble shitty bug, mechanic and everything but it is a nice game as far as i am concern. I will try to keep it for the fun and for those who want fun and xp stay around me and for those who just want to win do it you are not to be blame at all, But you may cut the fun of some other people especially using strat mechanic.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 04:51:08 am by arowaine »
Desire: pls smite FCC 2.0 T.T

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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #218 on: March 16, 2013, 04:43:03 am »
My favorite part is when Kesh -1 another post especially when that post isn't even bashing on him but merely pointing out that he is being a douche.

That one would be this one
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lawl good stuff
Kesh -1's all of my post. He even -1'd the one where I was messing with arty and arty knew I was foolin with him.
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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #219 on: March 16, 2013, 04:46:49 am »
Kesh -1's all of my post. He even -1'd the one where I was messing with arty and arty knew I was foolin with him.

Kesh +1's all my posts, even when I am telling him to stop posting  :lol:

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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #220 on: March 16, 2013, 05:00:42 am »
Says the guy who never misses a battle even on Eu side. lol
NA or EU do you ever miss a strat battle? lol btw

Canary is better at sounding reasonable than Kesh but he has his sketchy strat moments just like everyone else who has been serious in strat (myself included as Gore is sure to point out).
I've fucked up plenty in strat
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 05:06:19 am by Goretooth »
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
Tydeus - Nord EU Scum - Hates adminning

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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #221 on: March 16, 2013, 05:10:15 am »
Kesh +1's all my posts, even when I am telling him to stop posting  :lol:
He is about 40% of my infamy. But I've noticed the last 6 post he has -1'd has not affected my infamy  level.
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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #222 on: March 16, 2013, 05:15:27 am »
I feel like everyone involved here is going to have an epiphany soon and we'll all remember that none of this will matter in a few months.

GG strat
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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #223 on: March 16, 2013, 05:22:37 am »
I feel like everyone involved here is going to have an epiphany soon and we'll all remember that none of this will matter in a few months.

GG strat


*runs away crying*

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Re: Yo Occitan!
« Reply #224 on: March 16, 2013, 05:26:48 am »
I feel like everyone involved here is going to have an epiphany soon and we'll all remember that none of this will matter in a few months.

GG strat
I know none of this matters now. Nothing we do here is going to impact my life. All the drama is something to read when you're bored.

Also my infamy level went from 40-100 this strat.
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