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Offline zottlmarsch

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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1140 on: August 27, 2014, 10:26:28 am »
I gave it to some new players. Including my HorseArcher alt.

Should i ask where my 5.35m have gone? :D

Banner's overrated.

It wasn't all on Banner Upkeep, Do you not remember this:

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I think we blew like 2 million in 1 night just on upkeep.  8-)

Friendly reminder to foreigners/non-Krems/recent members:

What is forbidden in this thread:

- post serious shit
- use more than 3 lines of text
- cry

the above may be overruled if using voice commands.
Example: QQ or using voice texts on more than 3 lines.


(And if you guys don't follow these rules, Butan will crush you with his mighty Strength!)

....and Finally lets welcome our newest guy Runni_von_Krems  :D

« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 11:18:56 am by zottlmarsch »
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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1141 on: August 27, 2014, 11:28:39 am »
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Don't want to spam your faction thread, but just a quick few comments on this. 63 said "No" on Ultrakill's poll. Thats not just 2 people. Its easy to say something is funny when it doesn't affect you since you're just posting on a forum. In game it can be different, and there will be half of the NA readers posting on that. I could vote either way on that poll because voice commands are a fun part of the game especially with the new voices. BUT at what point does one person consider it spam and another thinks its still funny? You can't really use a poll when things like that aren't quantifiable and polls on a forum don't necessarily represent the people playing on the server

Theres no poll about "Are Krems a nuisance" or things like that. So again there is no real evidence to go from. Just look at how people are talking about you on the forum and in game. Maybe there is a middle ground were Pepe, Ultrakill and Blackbow and the others actually have a point. I'd rather not have the spam but use the commands in a funny way or as they are intended. What do you want people to know your clan for being? Fun, carefree, entertaining or nuisances, antagonisers, trolls? I think you can do the fun voice command shit without spamming green text / spamming the same command all round. A bit of spam is alright too, but you should draw the line somewhere
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Offline zottlmarsch

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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1142 on: August 27, 2014, 11:52:09 am »
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Don't want to spam your faction thread, but just a quick few comments on this. 63 said "No" on Ultrakill's poll. Thats not just 2 people. Its easy to say something is funny when it doesn't affect you since you're just posting on a forum. In game it can be different, and there will be half of the NA readers posting on that. I could vote either way on that poll because voice commands are a fun part of the game especially with the new voices. BUT at what point does one person consider it spam and another thinks its still funny? You can't really use a poll when things like that aren't quantifiable and polls on a forum don't necessarily represent the people playing on the server

Theres no poll about "Are Krems a nuisance" or things like that. So again there is no real evidence to go from. Just look at how people are talking about you on the forum and in game. Maybe there is a middle ground were Pepe, Ultrakill and Blackbow and the others actually have a point. I'd rather not have the spam but use the commands in a funny way or as they are intended. What do you want people to know your clan for being? Fun, carefree, entertaining or nuisances, antagonisers, trolls? I think you can do the fun voice command shit without spamming green text / spamming the same command all round. A bit of spam is alright too, but you should draw the line somewhere

Well you didn't follow the rules that Butan stated, but I guess we can allow an exception this time as you are a reasonable guy. :D

I really don't get your point about the poll, in the first line you say that 63 people voted no and that that is not just 2 people, then a few lines afterwards you say that polls on the forum don't really represent the views on the server etc. Regarding that thread, Yes the poll had 63 people that said no, but the majority said that they do like voice commands, hence Utrakil closing the thread. I don't think we need to talk anymore about that thread.

So I think when Fin says its just two guys, If you look through any threads or posts realated to negative views Krems you will see that he is right. These two guys are always stating their one sided views on us, posting shit in our ban threads (even if they were not present) moaning and slagging us off in game, Creating threads only to portray our clan in a bad light and even coming to our thread to dump more bullshit, If this is seen as a correct way to act then maybe it is the community that needs to rethink their ideas, for sure if I saw Krems guys behaving in this negative way I would tell them that maybe they need to rethink their ideas.

As for the guys talking about us in server and forum, Once again from my eyes it does only seem to be just the same few people. Its only that these few guys are just extremely vocal and repetetive with their Krems bashing, most people I see on the on the server really don't care less.

We have maybe 20 brand new players, who chose to join our clan (out of all the other clans) becuase they like our style and what we're about, They shouldn't have to see this shit when they log on to the forums, or they shouldn't have to read peoples insults and negative views on the server, when they are playing completely normal just becasue they have a 'von_Krems' tag. Guys like me, Fin, Phil etc can take the hate, we've heard it for years (long before Krems even existed) but some of our more sensitive guys are actually getting bothered by this constant Krems bashing lately, this pisses me off.

As for your final comment about what would we want Krems known for, Its simple: A fun clan with a cool theme and Friendly guys, that is what we are.
Remind me of how many times you have seen Krems guys ban requesting people, a lot of (serious) guys have teamkilled us and we've never reported it, we've never opened up threads singling out people or clans and telling them to change their ways. We play this mod only to enjoy ourselves not to give anyone a shit time, yes its unfortunate that 1 or 2 people might not enjoy our playstyle, but we have 129 guys and countless other guys who 'get' Krems and enjoy playing around with us (in fact even on some of BlacI love you Sceens you can see there are guys from many different clans (E.G OdE, Deserters, Templars, Bogumili and many more) joining in the fun.

So sorry, but we will not be changing our ways anytime soon. But thanks for taking the time to discuss your feelings with us, your views will be taken into consideration.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 01:17:26 pm by zottlmarsch »
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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1143 on: August 27, 2014, 12:40:39 pm »
(...we're never)...singling out people or clans and telling them to change their ways.

Except those Vanguard maggots and their pile of dirt! :E

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Besides that, i have to agree with you.
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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1144 on: August 27, 2014, 12:45:49 pm »
I like to fart on cold windows and lick the condensation :D

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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1145 on: August 27, 2014, 02:40:44 pm »
Since everyone hate Krems, I though it was time.

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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1146 on: August 27, 2014, 03:29:22 pm »
Since everyone hate Krems, I though it was time.
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Today is a good day! Good to have a long time old friend back in the gang! I was actually gonna write to you and ask if you wanted to join again, guess you beat me to it.

Don't worry, we're also fans of Bubastan too, Disloyalty, backstabbing, Attacking innocent traders and not giving a fuck. Just the way Strat should be played!  :mrgreen:
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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1147 on: August 27, 2014, 05:42:47 pm »
dat silver tho :3

you guys should speak to granny or mr to halp kalmar and stuff beating gays and druzhs

orhave you talked allready?

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Your binary primitive low capacity of thinking is not relevant.

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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1148 on: August 27, 2014, 05:48:55 pm »
It is not a crusade against whole Krems clan... we all love Krems... just against 3 or 4 greenwall makers....  they are the cancer of krems, Krems need to cure and remove the tumor...

It is medical joke... not very funny I think....

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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1149 on: August 27, 2014, 05:54:46 pm »
dat silver tho :3

you guys should speak to granny or mr to halp kalmar and stuff beating gays and druzhs

orhave you talked allready?

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I dont know anyone by the name granny or grandmom or grandmother or anyone that may or may not be a leader in strategus, I dont know anyone!!!!

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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1150 on: August 27, 2014, 06:46:14 pm »
It is not a crusade against whole Krems clan... we all love Krems... just against 3 or 4 greenwall makers....  they are the cancer of krems, Krems need to cure and remove the tumor...

It is medical joke... not very funny I think....

Here, something for you, take your time and watch it the whole weekend.

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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1151 on: August 27, 2014, 06:51:49 pm »
This argument is so hard... I've been so owned...

I will delete crpg and kill myself IRL... I m an idiot....  :rolleyes:

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Offline zottlmarsch

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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1152 on: August 27, 2014, 07:16:12 pm »
This argument is so hard... I've been so owned...

I will delete crpg and kill myself IRL... I m an idiot....  :rolleyes:

Hey!!!! Stop stealing lines from me!!!!! Copycat, Get your own sarcastic wit... :evil:

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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1153 on: August 27, 2014, 07:32:25 pm »
I dont know anyone by the name granny or grandmom or grandmother or anyone that may or may not be a leader in strategus, I dont know anyone!!!!

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I deny any possible link to this man, he is not and will never be an associate of mine, nor my kin or even my dog - I am not sure he (if its a he) even exists. It might just be something else, or nothing else in which case it wouldnt even be, and if it isnt, wby are we having this conversation? Are we even having one? One what? Nothing m8, just chill......

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Offline zottlmarsch

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Re: [Krems] Burg Krems - Voice Commands Specialists [QGY]
« Reply #1154 on: August 27, 2014, 07:38:00 pm »
I deny any possible link to this man, he is not and will never be an associate of mine, nor my kin or even my dog - I am not sure he (if its a he) even exists. It might just be something else, or nothing else in which case it wouldnt even be, and if it isnt, wby are we having this conversation? Are we even having one? One what? Nothing m8, just chill......

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