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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #345 on: May 10, 2015, 12:14:27 pm »
Worse graphics = lower requirements?
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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #346 on: May 10, 2015, 12:37:59 pm »
To be honest I dont see what all the fuzz is about. Its a bit false advetisement sure, but they are selling a game, not a painting. Aslong as they delivered everything they promised on gameplay, theres nothing legit to rage over. Mybe slight disgruntlement, which is understandable, but nothing major.

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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #347 on: May 10, 2015, 12:53:37 pm »
Yes guys, didn't you know? The unwritten laws of gaming dictate that only gameplay related promises are to be kept by a game developer.

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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #348 on: May 10, 2015, 01:12:00 pm »
Bit ironical, isnt it? From your point of view, to be exact. You of all people should be fully aware by now that in gaming you inevitably have to backtrack on some of the things you promised. Especially considering that your own projects support was so meagre due to no marketing. And also, you of all people should know that graphics do not matter. Especially considering that your project is entirely built up thanks to a fanbase of a game that completely buttugly and entirely reliant on solid gameplay.

The trailers were a bit misleading yea, but I personally knew it instantly that it wasnt gonna look anything like that. Lying is bad, sure. But in this case I think nobody will actually care after the first week of its release, if the gameplay is as solid as they promised.

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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #349 on: May 10, 2015, 02:03:33 pm »
To be honest I dont see what all the fuzz is about. Its a bit false advetisement sure, but they are selling a game, not a painting. Aslong as they delivered everything they promised on gameplay, theres nothing legit to rage over. Mybe slight disgruntlement, which is understandable, but nothing major.

"Played over 200 hours and had fun, but the lighting and the textures on the buildings roofs were off, so 1/10" - Some dork  with bad hygiene on Steam

The problem is these guys kept saying they were different from the others SH, critizing them for making certain choice (such as ubisoft for releasing an unfinished game like ac unity), creating hype built on the "we're gamers friendly" while they behaved exactly like the others, in certain case even worse, delaying two times the game, downgrading when thwy knew perfectly they couldn't reach the level of details on current gen and without Dx 12, and saying they wouldn't charge dlcs and then release ones even before the game is out, oh sorry it's an expansion. I wouldn't be mad at all if they hadn't boasted like that, I mean it's the law of the money, it's understanable and from certain pov justifiable; but the hypocrisy of this SH and the retardness of people still defending them as "different" makes me go nuts.
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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #350 on: May 10, 2015, 02:04:14 pm »
I don't think you can reason with somebody who thinks like "graphics do not matter to me, therefore graphics do not matter."

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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #351 on: May 10, 2015, 02:17:55 pm »
Yes also about graphics, it's 2015, graphic has rigthly its importance, it helps the immersion and I expect it to be decent, at least on par with current time, and building up hype on good graphics (because that was the only outstanding thing about this game, not the gameplay, especially knowing their previous work on witcher 2 and especially after seing the new videos of gameplay that are mostly about him making back leaps to avoid everything) and then downgrading makes you "gamer friendly" as bad as the other evil big money farm SH
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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #352 on: May 10, 2015, 02:39:12 pm »
Should wait until we can actually play it on PC and see what it looks like on ultra before doing any real comparisons.
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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #353 on: May 10, 2015, 02:49:06 pm »
this is what they said end of last year.

Community manager Marcin Momot shared this statement:

    Please keep in mind that the game is still in production phase. Certain things are still being worked on. The final version of the game will look better than what can be seen in the latest screenshots – no matter the platform. As you probably know, when publishing screenshots, some of them can be subjectively less appealing than others (depending on one’s opinion), that’s perfectly normal. The most important thing here is that the game will come out looking gorgeous when we are done working on it. There will be no downgrade.


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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #354 on: May 10, 2015, 03:01:44 pm »
Yes also about graphics, it's 2015, graphic has rigthly its importance, it helps the immersion and I expect it to be decent, at least on par with current time...

Da fuck are you talking about? Decent? What are you blind. The gameplay looks very nice, even with the downgraded graphics. It could handle even more downgrading imo. The point is that we are supposed to be mad that the trailers lied. The game can even look uglier and still decent. And "par with current time" is very subjective and highly depends what you compare it to. Like every year, out of hundreds of games like 3 are mybe graphically revolutionary and taking full advantage of the current times best performing hardware. So yea...

I don't think you can reason with somebody who thinks like "graphics do not matter to me, therefore graphics do not matter."
I think you misinterpeted my posts meaning on purpose to sound more edgy, since well, its kinda what you do. K than. If its mud on in the eyes, like Warband, yea sure it matters. But if its W3-s case, were some daaaamn impressive images, now just look impressive, id still call that a win. Graphics dont matter, if it still looks fine. And I think it does. So would everyone else, if their minds werent stuck on the trailers.

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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #355 on: May 10, 2015, 03:44:54 pm »
Da fuck are you talking about? Decent? What are you blind. The gameplay looks very nice, even with the downgraded graphics. It could handle even more downgrading imo. The point is that we are supposed to be mad that the trailers lied. The game can even look uglier and still decent. And "par with current time" is very subjective and highly depends what you compare it to. Like every year, out of hundreds of games like 3 are mybe graphically revolutionary and taking full advantage of the current times best performing hardware. So yea...

hmm wasn't referring particularly to this game ofc, graphics is still decent but the downgrade is evident and they're still like the others to me; and i've told you already that if a normal downgrade had happened i wouldn't mind at all, the problem comes when they start calling themselves gamers friendly and therefore different from other SHs; as for the on par with current time it's subjective until a certain point; i obviously don't expect a next gen graphic from indie games or crowd funded games, but from cd project red i except something as much as from ubisoft rockstar and any other big software house. and these guys pulled much weight on themselves, and they did it consciously, creating hype on mostly graphics, showing people stuff like the first picture

(click to show/hide)

now you can't ask people to just get over it because it was obvious there wouldn't be graphics like that, it's bullshit. if you do so don't put any preorder first of all.
and as for the gameplay, lol it looks shit. maybe half decent, but certainly not good, and more surely not memorable.
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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #356 on: May 10, 2015, 04:03:03 pm »
Yes, let's judge graphics based on Nvidia promo screenshots and the gameplay based on videos even before playing the game. Way to retard, Darmaster.
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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #357 on: May 10, 2015, 04:03:51 pm »
They might cut some things, add others. Overall game looks damn good, especially characters. I can agree that some foliage contrasts a bit compered to other elements. But not a big deal for me.

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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #358 on: May 10, 2015, 04:10:12 pm »
now you can't ask people to just get over it because it was obvious there wouldn't be graphics like that, it's bullshit.

I dont agree. The game looking prettier on trailers and pictures than what it actually is, has always been the case. Jokes on those people who still believed. Its a shady businessmodel, but it is what it is. And CD project was praised to skies by the fans first. And based on that they called themselves "player friendly". Technically the costumers gave them that title, not they themselves.

now you can't ask people to just get over it because it was obvious there wouldn't be graphics like that, it's bullshit. if you do so don't put any preorder first of all.
and as for the gameplay, lol it looks shit. maybe half decent, but certainly not good, and more surely not memorable.

For a meleecombat fantasy RPG thats also a sandbox, the gameplay(by that I assume you mean combat) seems more than adequate. All sandbox games have crap gameplay, if you think about it hardly. Its the world, characters and the different things you can do while roaming around that leave the memorable impression.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 04:15:26 pm by Tibe »

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Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Reply #359 on: May 10, 2015, 04:26:46 pm »
It's not worth pre-ordering a majority of games nowadays, especially when we're talking about the big mainstream publishers/devs. Also considering the current plague of the DLC fad it's a pretty stupid move to already be talking about "expansions", i.e DLC. They say 30 hours more content, why isn't in the original game then? did they cut it? is it just a bunch of shitty boring quests? they want you to pay extra for the game already before it's even released, they could have waited a couple of weeks after release before announcing it and pretended like they were still working hard on this DLC just to be nice, but instead they chose to shove their cocks up the arses of anyone that's pre-ordered and tell them they still haven't bought the whole game.

Will be pirating this, though I have a feeling I won't buy it and I won't ever play through the whole thing, that's mostly down to me because I don't really have the time nor focus to play through long games any more lol.