Author Topic: For the Tower. The story of Shik's Raiders  (Read 288 times)

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Offline BaleOhay

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For the Tower. The story of Shik's Raiders
« on: February 01, 2013, 05:48:01 am »
(I am not a good writer... but I enjoyed the last batch of fights so much I had to say something. I apologize in advance for it)

The veterans of BS clan huddle round the fire telling stories to the few children still awake. Gather round young ones. Listen to our song, of the battles 3. All of them have heard this tale a thousand times but never tire of just once more.

It was a time of war. Many nations aligned against the People of Terror. The various tribes held strong in the belief that no one would be brave enough to attack their homes. They went to sleep with this thought in their heads and awoke the next morning to the reality of war. No one is safe.

The raid of Ibiran battle for the Tower chapter one
Just as the sun came over the horizon, the sentries felt the ground shake from the charge of horses. The 749 poorly equiped guards ran to defend the fief of Ibiran, Knowing in their hearts it was already to late.  The enemy horde was vast (2779 shiny army) and upon them with lances lowered. Messengers were dispatched while the men fought like lions. They were going to die but vowed to take as many with them as possible. Buying minutes with lives for the messengers to escape and bring word north. They died not knowing if they would be in vain. Shik's raid was successful, he and his men killed 700 of our people that day while only losing 500. The raiders celebrated, while families cried in the streets for those slain. What the raiders did not know is that the messengers made it north and that the Terror was rising.

Bloody Field Battle for the Tower chapter two
Battle lords from across the land gathered their hosts and went south. The nearest armies were not very well geared but they had hatred to sustain them. Dbrookz, Murderhouse, and Busty rushed to war, not knowing if more raiders were waiting in ambush. They were able to catch up to Shik's raiders, who were slowed carrying bounty from the fief.

Murder was the first to arrive on the scene and his men charged into the fray. The fcc troops were better prepared this time and were willing to die for the cause. 1017 noble warriors took the field that day. None walked off of it. Fcc accounted themselves well in the fight but could not stand to the deadly mounted warriors arrayed against them. Shik's army was 2280 strong and more than willing to do battle. They had heros on the field who would ride circles around our men and cut them down like wheat at harvest.

After the fighting ended our scribes counted the dead enemy at 780. Murder and his inner circle were able to get to safety and meet up with other troops in the area, to plan the next mission. Shik's men were gaining power and renown.. Had they attacked someone else, he may have been allowed to escape. We are not those kind of people. Born to war and rewarded for death in battle. We were never going to stop.

For the Tower Battle for the Tower chapter three
That night a war council was held. Instead of talking strategy, they celebrated the glorious battles that had passed and the one that would come with the dawn. There were still 1500 enemy in our lands and we held hope that this time we would be the ones to hold the field at the end of the fight. As the celebration raged a caravan from the north arrived loaded down with arms and armor like none we have ever seen before. BS Clan has arrived with a bounty from the Terrortops himself. Magnificent heavy yawshans, Masterwork knobbed maces, Mighty great long bardiches, ranged weapons, shields and horses worth more than the pack mules we were accustomed to riding. We set our battle lines a full 1500 men strong with 2000 waiting in reserve just in case these men also went into the twilight lands. On equal footing and powerful warriors standing in the ranks, we were as ready as we could ever be.

Both sides fought like caged animals and the sound of battle was glorious. Their horses charged and killed and were killed in turn. A legend was born when some mad mercenary engineer built a siege tower while cackling wildly, only to have it stolen for no better reason than the raiders could! The Fcc troops driven insane by battle lust and the loss of a generally useless piece of siege equipment used it as a rallying cry to surge into the fray with vigor. Lives were lost but that siege tower was returned to our lines. That was a victory by itself but it was followed up with the last of the raiders being slain.

The children, tired eyed but uplifted chanted the words. The terror rises...the Terror rises... THE TERROR RISES... For the TOWER! as they drifted back to their tents to rest and prepare themselves for the next day. The veterans remained and thought the enemy was great. They brought us glory and ruin in equal measures. All warriors of the BS clan know that the greater the enemy the more powerful the terrortops grows. On this day we had the greatest of enemies and the terror has never known such power. They said the prayers for fallen friends and then knelt and poured mead for their enemies, without whom they would be sad simple farmers.

TL:DR version. Great fights guys of HP and Allies. This is what Strat can be and why we love playing it. All in all a great series of battles. FCC lost about 3000 troops total and killed about 2800. Pretty even fights all around. Lets have more like them.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 06:08:56 am by BaleOhay »
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Offline BaleOhay

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Re: For the Tower. The story of Shik's Raiders
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2013, 06:07:22 am »
Tell some of your fond memories of the battle! I doubt any will match the siege tower building.. then theft... then re capture.
Leader of BS