Regarding this:'s a request from a clanmate of yours for a case where on of your clanmates is involved. I know it's natural to want to help your buddies, but leaving it for another admin is better so none can accuse you of being biased.
The problem is that the screen provided there does not show anything. No teamhit messages, no one hitting another, no nothing. The only thing you got is the word of a clanmate of yours who saw it (which you will be biased to) and what sir tulpus said. You got no idea that tulpus isn't making stuff up.
It would have been good if you checked the logs, although I've heard how horrible checking the logs can be and how it takes time for them to be uploaded or whatever.
And last, but not least, 6 hours is a joke. I doubt he will even notice it. Would have been better to wait for more info/logs/screens and then done something.
I know he admitted teamattacking in his unban request, but you didn't know that.