Again to the Cav problem. Some stated that Cav got nerfed by the patch, and it did, regarding to some aspects. But in whole, they got a much bigger indirect buff for two reasons.
1. Throwers were almost wiped from the game. Since the patch, the only throwing weapon i have seen, are darts. I havent seen one lance and only a very few jarrids or axes, not that I dont like it, I am an archer and hate them, but they played a huge role in bringing down cav pre-patch.
2. No more pocketpikes or spears. Pre-patch, everybody had the space for a little pike somewhere in his backpocket, now only really dedicated poles can bring one, and, since it is not sheatable, the pike is mostly lost after the first time they have to go into melee, while before everybody had an anticav joker till the end of the round.
Its just obvious that cav got a huge indirect buff, which somehow has to be balanced. Go to any EU server and you will see almost all cav ( at least the talented ones) making double of the kills they did prepatch. First time I saw somebody making 60 kills on one map. Cav is ruling now.
Another ´question, somebody of my clan mentioned today is, if the speed nerf of the heavy lance is really a nerf. Isnt it just a timing question everybody will get used to after some time? I mean its not like in melee, that your opponent may have a faster weapon and therefore you have a disadvantage. I mean, most of the time you are riding around, finding some archer and then place your hit. Ok,now you have to release a bit earlier, so what.
Sure it is a diadvantage, but is it that big?
Another thing is, when the lance stab is slower, doesnt the time, in what it atually can hit something, increase? Im not sure about this point, but I found it an interesting question.
Apart of that, the patch is great. Just give throwers a little chance again, make some crappy pole and 2H weapons 1 slot, and everything will be fine:D
Peace, StuLLe