What the hell? If you were PL all KotL had to do was sit behind you and skill up mana leak and chakra magic.
I played a game as PL yesterday, second one I think. I feel like whenever I end up getting to pick a carry the game is already won by the time I come online.
Kotol was class A retard, like I said, no help from him at all in lane, said numerous times he should pump me with mana so I can spam my Q but no... instead he spewed some russian shit on voice and kept buying sentry wards - I shit you not, he's bought like 15+ sentry wards one time just to make sure we all know he's fucking dense. No words about Pugna, just look at that death counter, more deaths than me, tony and centaur combined.
But I guess that made the game interesting. I don't recall ever having a match with megacreeps vs megacreeps. I was actually worried I'll be unable to outcarry AM in late since he's a pretty scary carry, but I guess PL can. 638 last hits