go team lightning
I never played Disruptor in a real match before, there are a lot of heroes I didn't try.
But this one is an instant favorite, has all the things I need, is a support but can be annoying later on.
We had this spectre who was weird and mirana, but still, got so many kills with Disruptor.

For an example we checked roshan, and I trapped them in, got a double kill there.

600 attack range, solid trapping combo, great earlygame harass. I have problems with veno often because of his range. Not with this guy though. If I face the typical agility carry he's going to burn through all the regen fast.
Also I get to manipulate time pretty much, screw you void, this is the shit. Glimpse trolling is too much fun. Very decent combo and you can also kill so have gold for items easy. Veil of discord works nice with the ulti, you can burn through people real fast.
Aghanim upgrade is just funny, like "ifukyoshitap cyka"