yeah had that in my game,I was lina and Dragon knight got caught in mid lane jungle camp (radiant) on like 150 hp by a bloodseeker. started screaming at me and shouting REPORT LINA NOOB SUPPORT NO WARD. Tried to point out that the rune points were warded and the main jungle on the safe lane was warded and that he shouldn't be jungling with low hp vs a bloodseeker anyway and the fact you could see blood cross the river just before buut nope was me being a noob.
Then the other team started screaming in all chat REPORT BLOODSEEKER FEEDING NOOB. and ofc the Invoker talking for like 10 mins MY TEAM NOOB FF, LOOK MY FRAGS. just makes the game a lot less fun
It was bad enough that i was babysitting an offlane peruvian sniper let alone reading that crap all game and in all caps. Still my battles with invoker was fun. saw him comming out of the fog. ulti + dragon + array at the same time he pulled out his combo left us both dead each time after like 2 seconds

I saved viper using force staff which looked odd, PA phantom striked to him as i forced staffed him away which made him and PA confused. I thought the PA move insta attacked afterwards or was it just crazy lucky timing