my team seems to be getting worse every ranked game :/ Pudge who cant land a hook (even when i shackle them) and runs into 4 enemies. I pick Lycan team mates pick Bounty Hunter, Bloodseeker Dazzle and Huskar then decide to rush down the mid at 10 mins trying to team fight vs viper abaddon slark and witch docter. Lose everytime keep trying
Team mates going 5-15, 2-15 1-9 each game. Hell last game a clockwerk decided its a pro idea to hook into a group of 5 and powerclog or his best trick Power clog a group of 3 meepos and get poofed to death 6 FUCKING TIMES. How can you win when your team is that retarded to keep trying to same thing over and over. Sure clog meepo once and die maybe even two times before realising its a bad idea

but 6 times

I think i just have to pick a good semi carry that doesn't suck early or stick with lichs OP ulti

Ofc play non ranked and win 3 in a row :/