Recently I tried a new itembuild on faceless void. I'm far from being competitive these days so I'll ask your opinion on it:
In this order more or less:
-Power Treads
-Helm of Dominator
-Drums of Endurance
-Armlet of Mordiggian
Luxuries and situationals:
-Money for buyback (obviously)
-Boots of Travel as replacement for the boots (obviously)
or basically any item that increases your dps and survivability.
I always sucked with faceless void with other itembuilds and tested this in a pub game (I know it means nothing, hence I ask here for your opinions). The thing with this build is, it mostly includes items that add up very good survivability through str boost and also adds some attack speed. The extra hp from mostly armlet makes full use of the backtrack ability, which is one of the principles behind this build. Helm of the dominator is extremely cool with the lifesteal, armor boost and active ability (and regen in early game from helm of iron will). At somewhere around level 8-9 I dominated an ogre magi creep and killed roshan with the frost armor bonus. I also managed to kill a sniper with a wildkin, through it's tornado ability. It was hilarious as I wasn't even in the fight and sniper tried to run away 1 sec before with shadow blade. The timer was also 30:00 or so.

Many builds focus on dps and mostly attack speed but I find the armlet to be a core item on faceless void.