just had a sad game
http://dotabuff.com/matches/532461374. Won the midlane as Gyro and was happily farming when i had to go bottom all the time to save them :/ Then we killed the enemy in a few team fights so our team got cocky. God damn Sand king!!! we lost 3-4 team fights because he initiated alone or when only 2 were near him etc and then the others pile into help vs jugg and lich ulti

Sandkings best moment? He pinged top becuase we could see 3-4 of them up there, then he runs up top and uses ulti to initiate while the rest of our team are near mid/on route to top. he then goes WTF TEAM NOOBS!!!

after explaining that he should wait for the rest of the team he says your too slow.
My team lost 2-3 fights in a row leaving me the only one near them in lvls. my team was 12-14 they had 16-17 so what do they do? Keep trying to pile into their 5 man squad 2-3 at a time without the team leaving us buttfucked

Should have been so easy to win but our sandking was worse than their Wraith king <3