tried that they wouldn't listen

Some how we won
I ended up healing across map and running into the middle of their group banging out ulti and tanking all the hits so my team could run away. 4 of us managed to hold them up long enough for PL to start raping the base't help when Me phoenix and terror blade are pushing middle after winning a group fight only for terror blade to turn and run to the secret shop on our side of the map just before we reach the base ^^
came really close as PA was destroying our base as PL was doing theirs :p had to run around pop my ulti when i could and keep using Euls Scepter and my living armour to hold her up. crazy game (they had double our kills at one point and all our towers down and they had lost one tier 1, dunno how they threw it away tbh)
Literally mid against sniper while being a slow ass melee tree is the most painful thing ever.