I've tried lots of TA builds, and what I miss the most is attack speed. I almost always go phase - blink, I did recently try like 4 games in a row without blink and a few with treads, but it just didnt cut it for me. Manta isnt to good on TA, although a casual yasha might work, but it sucks having a 2k item that you can eventually get something better in the slot. I've taken a liking to AC on TA if the game allows it (basically only when game is won), gives you some sorely needed AS and I'm a sucker for minus armor

But if the game is even and progresses to the later stages you really need a butterfly to compete with better lategame carries. TA doesnt scale that awfully well into the lategame if you dont build her right.
If you are playing against competent supports, picking up a diffusal for ghost is pretty nice, just remember to equip it in the order so you get the Deso modifier.
All in all, my Templar builds dont really change that much: