You now lose one gold per second if you haven't picked a hero after the selection timer runs out in All Pick. - good work Volvo, All Pick was above annoying with people waiting forever to counterpick you.
I'm not sure if that Bristle nerf is enough. Good nerfs for Brood which makes her a bit useless again
Good nerfs on Earth Spirit. It's good that they fixed Legion Commander's extra lifesteal attacks, that thing was annoying.
Lion -
"Aghanim's Scepter now causes Finger of Death to hit units within a 200 AoE of the primary target" - Magnus + Lion? Olol
Druid's bear can now build orbs, probably gonna see some Desolators or something on bear now.
black in spanishnomicon nerfed, this is also good, fucking saw black in spanishnomicon in every game...
Take Aim range bonus increased from 80/160/240/320 to 100/200/300/400

if it goes on like this, give it one year and sniper will have 2000 attack range
Still a crappy hero tbh