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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #585 on: June 17, 2013, 11:16:15 pm »
Okay so here's a problem I've been experiencing all the time.

It's about playing a carry, early game domination, and in mid-lategame I tend to fall off with even the cheapest right-clickers for some reason, and just totally fail the game and can't get items like other carries do.

Just what is so different, isn't a carry easier to play than a support, you just farm and kill aye?

There are many factors that come into this, but it can also happen when my teammates don't die 25 times to a single person.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 11:20:10 pm by Christo »
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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #586 on: June 17, 2013, 11:30:57 pm »
Depends on the carry. Some are good early, some mid, some late. A lot of carries bottom out late game. Like qop for example. She's utterly shit when a lot of the hard carries kick in, same with nightstalker. But then equally someone like lifestealer has to pretty much solidly farm for the first 30mins of the game, but all of a sudden he'll appear and rape a team.

I personally find supports easier. There is a lot of pressure on the carry to get the farm/gank and get kills. Supports just have to ward, get their stuns off, use items and baby sit certain carries. I'm much better at support but it's always fun to be a carry some games.

Maybe play a semi carry? I love Kunkka because he's the best of both worlds. You have some awesome supporty skills. Like torrent being the perfect set up for follow up stuns/high damage carry to move in and kill. But if you get the farm, which is easy with tidebringer, you can take on a wide range of enemy heroes with ease.

But yeah a lot of it depends on last hitting, whether you get the kills in certain fights (depends on carry) and how good your teammates are at babysitting if it's a hero that needs it. If your team isn't laying down wards, you're not getting last hits and your being ganked a lot then you pretty much stand no chance as a carry.

What carries have you tried playing?
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 11:38:48 pm by Overdriven »

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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #587 on: June 17, 2013, 11:40:20 pm »
Viper on last game, but it's a bad example because I racked up what.. 10 kills early so I did good.

But our team lacked proper initiation and they fed them up so the kills were about even, they got me all the time.

Very unlucky.
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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #588 on: June 17, 2013, 11:48:45 pm »
Viper is a prime example of a carry that bottoms out early. He simply can't keep up with the damage out put of a whole lot of other carries. We found him great when we first played because no one knew how to deal with his poison damage and slow, but now I see him like once every 20-30 games if that.

Yeah a lot depends on team composition, how your supports manage, initiation ect. A lot of the time if you have early game carries you have to make sure the game is tied up around the 30 min mark. Either that or you have to ensure the enemies harder carries get no farm, which is why Nyx is such a wonderful hero as it's pretty much his job. Although our Nyx player doesn't like playing him as much any more because he claims it's to easy  :P

Our list of carries tends to be:
1. Templar Assassin (one of our guys never plays any one else. Tends to be a mid although can dominate late game)
2. Sniper (good mid game, coupled with the right heroes can dominate late)
3. Lifestealer (mid-late)
4. Invoker (good all round, less late)
5. Bloodseeker (early - mid)
6. Nighstalker (early ganks)
7. Naga Siren (semi carry)
8. Kunkka (semi carry)
9. Brewmaster (semi carry)
10. Chaos Knight (semi/hard)
11. Doom (all round)
12. Skeleton King (mid)
13. Phantom Lancer (hard)
14. Phantom Assassin (hard)
15. Ursa (mid)

This usually means we have to have a game tied up around 30-40 min mark if the enemy team has a hard carry, unless we have our lifestealer, PL or a couple others. I often play the support role because my carries are Sniper, Kunkka and Brewmaster. None of them are particularly great at all out domination and can easily be countered but they have their roles. If I play a support I know I can baby sit PA, Templar, keep them off lifestealer and a bunch of other roles that are critical to winning mid-late.

The supports I play:
1. Jakiro (all round skill set, doesn't need items other than standard support)
2. Tidehunter (ulti is bad ass although bit of a one trick pony, never play with rubick)
3. Lich (can push lanes, ulti is useful although easily avoided, has constant mana so can spam skills early)
4. Omni knight (heals/nukes, provides immunity to damage)
5. Warlock (that ulti is orgasmic, heals/damage over time)

My current favourite is Jakiro. You can buy wards, courier, health items for hard carries and as long as you do your job you will always have enough still to buy your support items. His skill set is also great. The ice path pretty much secures team fights, especially if you hang back and use it after an enemy initiation to prevent them from following through. His liquid fire, coupled with dual breath is great for pushing lanes and macropyre usually ensures the enemy team bleeds health in a team fight. For some reason people often don't think to run out of that giant path of fire they are currently standing in. I also usually keep at least an even k/d with him. If your doing your job right you'll be at the back of the fight spamming ice path ect so I've had quite a few games where I haven't died and plenty where I've gotten kills because the slow burn from dual breath will finish off any runners.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 12:15:34 am by Overdriven »

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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #589 on: June 18, 2013, 01:02:37 am »
The only problem I had with Jakiro were the casting delays.

It was bad. Really you need to get used to that.
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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #590 on: June 18, 2013, 01:06:07 am »
Yeah but that's similar with most heroes. Takes some time to get used to them. Will take a few games but soon enough with him you'll learn to predict exactly when and where you need to cast the ice path especially.

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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #591 on: June 18, 2013, 01:52:03 am »
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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #592 on: June 18, 2013, 07:43:48 am »
Yeah but that's similar with most heroes. Takes some time to get used to them. Will take a few games but soon enough with him you'll learn to predict exactly when and where you need to cast the ice path especially.

Why don't you guys use Weaver as a carry? I just find him downright incredible. Swarm to reveal area, shukuchi to escape, chase, ambush or reposition in group fight, geminate is like double damage every 2.5 sec and that ulti is a free life/get out card.

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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #593 on: June 18, 2013, 08:24:51 am »
weaver is a good offlane carry, not a good main carry . to squishy imo
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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #594 on: June 18, 2013, 08:36:32 am »
weaver is a good offlane carry, not a good main carry . to squishy imo

Dunno, last time I played it I survived quite long with Linken's + using Shukuchi pretty much every time they headed in my direction in a teamfight to reposition myself to safely damage them and just rinse repeat

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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #595 on: June 18, 2013, 11:47:40 am »
Why don't you guys use Weaver as a carry? I just find him downright incredible. Swarm to reveal area, shukuchi to escape, chase, ambush or reposition in group fight, geminate is like double damage every 2.5 sec and that ulti is a free life/get out card.

I have seen him played well a lot but he's not really our kind of hero. I think only one of our guys would be tempted.

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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #596 on: June 18, 2013, 12:02:11 pm »
Dunno, last time I played it I survived quite long with Linken's + using Shukuchi pretty much every time they headed in my direction in a teamfight to reposition myself to safely damage them and just rinse repeat

Well the thing with Weaver is that he can't hardcarry until very late, mid game he's either a glass cannon or survivable but with not much DPS. I like him a lot but your team needs to not fuck up and has to contribute in teamfights until you get fat.
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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #597 on: June 18, 2013, 06:15:50 pm »
Gotta say an offlane weaver is one sick clean up hero incase enemies tower diving your safelane, I usually TP in if I have somewhat levels and my carry is getting dived, get mad kills because enemy wouldn't have sentries and you can just chase em.
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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #598 on: June 18, 2013, 06:24:15 pm »
`clickedy click
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Re: Dota 2 - Team cRPG?
« Reply #599 on: June 18, 2013, 08:18:12 pm »
`clickedy click

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