PL is not so op anymore unless you fuck up yourself and let it go to lategame or feed PL way too much and not shut him down. It's just like Anti Mage, if you let it go to lategame and you didn't shut the enemy hard late game carry down chances are you're way beyond fucked.
I consider Troll Warlord one of the more OP heroes with the ulti to be honest, 3 TPM (towers per minute, solo, lol at level 6.) is way too much push for the hero it's insane.
But then again Troll has nothing vs the current hard carries.
However, combine Troll with a team of autoattackers that have okayish farm and it makes insane difference, that's where it gets ridiculously overpowered that his ulti is global.
I don't think that alot of heroes are overpowered, they are all overpowered in a way.
(Note though, everyone's gameplay experience is difference, for example I got 1000+ games played and play with people who can actually do some tactics (even the russian players, sometimes) Phantom Lancer is just a great pubstomper if you don't fuck with him the entire game.