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Sniper, Sven and Night Stalker are OP heroes?
HotD, Necro and Manta. On Meepo.
OP!!, had a game where i was darkseer solo off, we had enigma jungle, skywrath and gyro topfarm (dire) and warlock mid, now guys that was some wubwubwubwombo combo haahaa, that sir is op, not this farm dependent eazy to shut down sven ns sniper.
Nightstalker dominates early game during night time. Loses effectiveness at the 30min mark though. Sven with BKB, his ulti, a stun and cleave slices through teams. Put him in the middle of a fight and watch as the entire enemy teams health just collapses. Then all you need to do is mop up. Coupled with late game farm and he'll get kills easily with high damage. Sniper gets high damage and very high attack speed towards late game. Early game he's useful for ganking because with a his mini-stuns he's very difficult to run from. So if you have someone who can let off a 2-3 second stun an enemy is fucked. Running from him is near impossible with his ulti and with shadow blade he's difficult to catch without a lengthy stun or hex.
Both Night Stalker and Sven are very good heroes, but they're nowhere near OP. As you mentioned Night Stalker's strength tends to fall off during late game, and Sven is just a walking stun until he gets fat.But Sniper? Sniper is considered one of the worst carries, because he is very squishy and has no escape mechanism. Shadow Blade is mainly an offensive item, not an escape one (unless you play against people who don't buy dust/sentrie when they see one)."OP" heroes are heroes like Batrider, Magnus and Nyx Assassin.
Magnus is frequently little more than a great initiator
The thing is though, if Sven does get fat he completely dominates and he isn't all that hard to get to that stage unless you're playing against a team who shut you down aggressively early game.
Fact is a lot of people don't buy dust or sentry wards
Most of the time a great initiation is all you need to win a teamfight, and Magnus has one of the best (if not the best one). I've often seen teams with XP/gold advantage lose because they lacked initiation (or because the opponents had better one).A fat Sven is scary, but there's worse (think fat Gyrocopter or Phantom Lancer).Just teammates.
I've found Sniper very effective at harrasing enemies in the laning phase and finishing off people that run from ganks early on, but other than that, nothing special really
The thing is, if anyone throws a reliable stun at Sniper he's pretty much dead.
Lol Sniper. 400 damage a shot every 0.45s. We went for a TF and Invoker disconnected so we lost. A long wait to respawn as I was 25 and they were raping our base. Disruptor respawns with beastmaster, holds them off and then I spawn back and instantly kill 3 of them whilst Naga and Invoker got the other two. Then it was a matter of easy rape.Sniper is awesome.That is true. But that's why you have to be careful with sniper. As long as you play sensibly you can avoid it or shadow blade just before the stun gets there so it doesn't matter.Edit:Just won a game with Jakiro and got 5 kills. 57/15 overall and didn't die once
Hmm I wouldn't say Gyro is scary.
Wish I could still get games where people never bought dust/wards/gem.