Yeah, the first minutes are when he shines the most.
I was completely taken aback one game. Was playing on radiant side, and decided to assist our offlane. Started by mining the side shop, then went for the level 1 jungling creeps path, being carefull about not being spotted by ennemy creep wave, then randomly in the movement section. After that, i moved to mine rune, and headed bot.
In 5 min, i didn't get a single kill, not a single mine explosed.
-Mid didn't care one bit about rune, and didn't get bottle (wich may have simplified our team's mid life, if he was remotely decent. Wich wasn't the case)
-Only 2 ennemies top. They didn't pull jungle a single time, nor go to the side shop. Instead, they stayed in lane and focused on the tide offlaner. Who got zoned out real fast.
Got my first kill bot on a void, going to the side shop after being wounded.
We cruelly lost that game, thanks to multiple throws (carries staying in ennemies base when they respawned), while i was defending/pushing bot after barracks destroyed).
Also, in the back and forth waves, not a single carry had a battlefury or aoe attacks. Tiny (no agha) and PA (no BF), not caring the slightlest about fast pushing/depushing...
I'll probably play techies only when i'm with at least one friend. To laugh and all. Else, i'm too serious to apreciate.