holy fucking shit what a cancerous game dota2 is, i just had like 3 people on my team complaining the entire game even though we were winning, AA was arguing with Eartshaker for like the entire early game even though they got a first blood/double kill on the offlane, morph was crying "no wards noobs" for literally 20 minutes nonstop even though there were 3 wards in our jungle to secure farm and he had good farm anyway, people on team calling gg even though we had fucking spectre with great farm, holy shit
look at this
look at this shit
"yes lets give up why don't we"
i wasn't supporting, i was fucking convicing my team not to give up the whole game lol
Ahahaha seriously? Those are like the best lategame carries, basically indestructible with good farm.
Reminds me of a dota game I played on weekend. I visited a friend and played dota on his laptop, forgot to practice with his mouse and practice in general so I was total shit in team fights. Enemy had a void though and we were struggling to win an 5v3.. I was facedesking IRL. At 50+ mins we started to wear down the base when they were down, but it was painful.
Same arguing bullshit, but imagine the following situation:I played Luna. Void jumped at me with no farm when I had item advantage so he had no DPS to kill me in one go. Expecting it I pop Eclipse, no other units around, the ulti starts ticking his HP like crazy, then comes my ally Lina and uses Euls on him, inside chrono. Then I die because time luck. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
It was 59 minutes of pure torture.