I decided to have another go at Silencer again, and I'm kind of enjoying it now.
You need a lot of observing to pull off good global silences that could turn fights around, or make somebody rage so hard. I had a QoP in one of my games that I always silenced in and out, disarmed by last word etc and he died because of like 4 times. He was very angry cause he couldn't blink away. You can screw up storm spirit and QoP initiation so hard with it.
Another thing I had to get used to is not blindly skilling build but adapt to what lane enemy I was facing. Last game I had to go mid vs bloodseeker. Needless to say he couldn't CS at all because my curses just destroyed his HP.
Really like this hero, from lore to appearance, gameplay, items, concept. It's like a perfect fit.
Edit: Until you get romanians and slovak stacks that feed the whole game. I just had a Slovak DK that didn't use his ult when pushing towers, he didn't get a single tower down the whole game when he could. Defek.