Yes, I don't know why you seem to think that being a longtime player entitles you to some special treatment or makes you indispensable. You deserved a ban, count yourself lucky it wasn't a complete permaban I guess.
You are being defended by Berenger and Leshma, that should tell you something. If you were some funny troll or something, but all the shit you spew out is caused by your narcissistic personality disorder.
I don't think I came across a more bitter and insecure cunt like yourself. At every turn you attempt to belittle me, at every turn you show up with your Holier than Thou attitude. Get over yourself already.
And you must be retarded if you think anyone assumes that being a long time player lets you abuse others. No, it fucking doesn't. But it gives you the benefit of familiarity. Frankly, after what you just wrote, I regret ever having shared it with you. Others may think that you're a top notch guy who always has witty remarks and whatever, but in reality you're no different than whatever Freudian'esque terms you like to throw at me. I'm sorry, but asserting yourself above someone else does not work like American blockbuster movies. More explosions won't make it better, and more psychological jargon won't make it more valid.
Also, why does it matter who defends me? Yes, Berenger's post was silly, but it doesn't affect me at all. Leshma is simply saying pretty agreeable things that I feel co-incide with my own thoughts, and apparently others' too. In any case, it has no relevance. If you're judging people instead of the content of their posts you need to wake the fuck up and have a look in the mirror.