Author Topic: The facts and Frisia's current position  (Read 10372 times)

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #135 on: January 26, 2013, 01:36:33 am »
You mean all 3 of 6 on the server.

I don't know how you could possibly answer this, you don't even play crpg.

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #136 on: January 26, 2013, 02:05:11 am »
Hey, Kaoklai (and Kirby), instead of -'ing everything I say, how about you nut up and voice your opinion, that way I can acknowledge you're a human being and not a saliva spewing goblin with a 2 ft stick lodged firmly up it's ass.


Also, I do apologize for disrespecting Occitan, but my unfavorable stance remains towards their selfish, immature, hypocritical view point of "We're from Quebec, we have jobs and we're better than you because no one else in this community has kids, jobs, or school."

You know, in order for someone to gain their request from another, you don't act like a complete asshole and a hypocrite.  I find your name on most of my recent -'s.  Zip it, I don't like your standings on most things, sure you're a cool guy, but I also see you as an asshole.  There's my opinion, back to diplomacy. 

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #137 on: January 26, 2013, 02:09:07 am »
breaking news:  whiny nerds ITT

you won't ever be able to be on the opposite side of an FCC or FCC vassal faction without them making threads before during and after every attack whining about something, usually full of slander, hyperbole, insults, and accusations of cheating exploiting and "being unfair"

seriously the most annoying fuckers to be friends or foe with, just shut up sometime please thanks
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Offline Sandersson Jankins

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #138 on: January 26, 2013, 02:12:09 am »
breaking news:  whiny nerds ITT

you won't ever be able to be on the opposite side of an FCC or FCC vassal faction or NH vassal faction without them making threads before during and after every attack whining about something, usually full of slander, hyperbole, insults, and accusations of cheating exploiting and "being unfair"

seriously the most annoying fuckers to be friends or foe with, just shut up sometime please thanks

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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #139 on: January 26, 2013, 03:00:27 am »
breaking news:  whiny nerds ITT

you won't ever be able to be on the opposite side of an FCC or FCC vassal faction without them making threads before during and after every attack whining about something, usually full of slander, hyperbole, insults, and accusations of cheating exploiting and "being unfair"

seriously the most annoying fuckers to be friends or foe with, just shut up sometime please thanks

Can you just get muted again already?

You know, in order for someone to gain their request from another, you don't act like a complete asshole and a hypocrite.  I find your name on most of my recent -'s.  Zip it, I don't like your standings on most things, sure you're a cool guy, but I also see you as an asshole.  There's my opinion, back to diplomacy. 

And that's what I want to see, if you have a poor opinion of me than please tell me upfront, if you disagree with me, great!  You're an alright guy, but by -'ing all of my posts, you do nothing but empower me and make me want to defend my stance more.

This thread is good for everyone, really lets us get heart to heart, like an intervention.
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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #140 on: January 26, 2013, 03:50:15 am »
About our nigth time yeah we set it that way Cause our clan is 1: mature 2: 18+ 3: most of us have faimily and kids 4: we go to school to learn stuff compare to some other people who stay home 24/24 and arent doing anything!5: some of us go to college/university so yeah we set our nigth time properly so if a figth happen at 11h59 easter time the worst case scenario would be a battle finishing around 1:45 am eastern time wish is pretty late already! thanks for the drama pretty funny to see you all raging about your nigth time at least we arent abusing it compare to some other faction.You guys just had to pick a look on the guys who you were attacking first, so blame yourself for not being smart enough to check nigth time before attacking.
Desire: pls smite FCC 2.0 T.T

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #141 on: January 26, 2013, 04:23:17 am »
About our nigth time yeah we set it that way Cause our clan is 1: mature 2: 18+ 3: most of us have faimily and kids 4: we go to school to learn stuff compare to some other people who stay home 24/24 and arent doing anything!5: some of us go to college/university so yeah we set our nigth time properly so if a figth happen at 11h59 easter time the worst case scenario would be a battle finishing around 1:45 am eastern time wish is pretty late already! thanks for the drama pretty funny to see you all raging about your nigth time at least we arent abusing it compare to some other faction.You guys just had to pick a look on the guys who you were attacking first, so blame yourself for not being smart enough to check nigth time before attacking.

So of course you guys don't work though - because 8 am you can get 9 occ-chevs already signed up and willing to show up for it.  Most adult, over 18+ with kids and family need to go to work at that time.  Or you are just a bunch of nerds who can play 24/24 and aren't doing anything (aren't?? thats not even a word) so 8 am is great for you because your nerds outnumber ours.  I would much rather be sleeping on a saturday morning, but I don't want to see bad cav players do well just because they can ride around on champion destriers and plate armor bumping (can't hit broad side of barn with weapons) and not be shot to pieces by me.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #142 on: January 26, 2013, 04:28:41 am »
plus they can get all the UIF guys since occitan was DRZ vassals for 2 and a half strats.

This is so far the truth i am physically sickened.

Offline oprah_winfrey

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #143 on: January 26, 2013, 04:35:47 am »
(aren't?? thats not even a word)

Lol What? Its a contraction for are not. If anything you should be picking on 24/24

Offline Keshian

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #144 on: January 26, 2013, 05:03:00 am »
Lol What? Its a contraction for are not. If anything you should be picking on 24/24

Lol did no one ever learn that aren't is not a legitimate contraction (unless you are speaking redneck). Isn't is a legitimate contraction, aren't is a non-existent word used by people with bad english that like Jerry Springer.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #145 on: January 26, 2013, 05:11:13 am »
Lol did no one ever learn that aren't is not a legitimate contraction (unless you are speaking redneck). Isn't is a legitimate contraction, aren't is a non-existent word used by people with bad english that like Jerry Springer.

Need more?

Yawn, almost forgot about the 8 EST battle, early bedtime to wake up early!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 05:28:24 am by Lt_Anders »
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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #146 on: January 26, 2013, 05:12:57 am »
Lol What? Its a contraction for are not. If anything you should be picking on 24/24
Beat me to it.

On a diplomacy thread for the past few pages it has been nothing but shitty battle times. At first it almost turned into another discussion about how shit FCC and how shit HP is. Half of the thread was random posts that trailed off into trolling. I have yet to see something relatively intelligent. Shitty wars are shit. They also suck dick with laggy servers and constant bitch fights. I must admit Rice Eaters has something going with their little RP forum. I especially like the little maps that they have :)

Back to point, while the incessant bitching is tolerable, change the fucking subject. One page mostly consisted of what people considered to be prime-time for a battle. Get creative dammit. Insert RP, shitty or not.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy the battle at 7:00 CST. With that said bitch about something else.
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Offline Sandersson Jankins

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #147 on: January 26, 2013, 05:17:13 am »
About our nigth time yeah we set it that way Cause our clan is 1: mature 2: 18+ 3: most of us have faimily and kids 4: we go to school to learn stuff compare to some other people who stay home 24/24 and arent doing anything!5: some of us go to college/university so yeah we set our nigth time properly so if a figth happen at 11h59 easter time the worst case scenario would be a battle finishing around 1:45 am eastern time wish is pretty late already! thanks for the drama pretty funny to see you all raging about your nigth time at least we arent abusing it compare to some other faction.You guys just had to pick a look on the guys who you were attacking first, so blame yourself for not being smart enough to check nigth time before attacking.

Try to explain who you're talking to; I don't feel that anyone was whining other than Artyem (who apologized) and Kesh (who is obligated to, really). I keep saying that I feel we'll benefit more than you. Hell, I'm really trying to make it better for you guys and the community...not us. We're on up to 6am EST and later en masse. HP has a bad rep with many EU factions and you're associated with them. Seriously guys, if I wanted to profit from this, I would keep my mouth shut on the forums and attack at 12:01 repeatedly.

Please do stop accusing everyone besides yourselves of having no lives. It's rude. It is even more rude to speak on issues of respect and say these things. Arguments of "they started it" or "they deserve it" or "its true" are simply juvenile. We don't have a member below 18 (okay, so we do have some afks that were below 18 and one new member that's younger), I'm not aware of anyone that's not in university or employed in our clan; most take part in both as far as I know. However, I'm not one to give even a quarter of a fuck about someone's IRL. It's the interbutts. Lowlife "welfare" scum are equal to anyone else. I'm good friends with my clanmates, and I'd tell you guys exactly what the fuck they do, but that's a bit too much irl information.

And by the way, I don't know how it is in other places, but folks on welfare are generally NOT playing video games. There are a few 19-20 year old kids I know that went from barely graduating highschool to playing games and getting stoned and shit all day....and they're not in my clan. I also don't speak to them because they're shitty people.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 05:20:21 am by Sandersson Jankins »
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #148 on: January 26, 2013, 06:27:17 am »
Lol did no one ever learn that aren't is not a legitimate contraction (unless you are speaking redneck). Isn't is a legitimate contraction, aren't is a non-existent word used by people with bad english that like Jerry Springer.

You are thinking of "ain't"  i.e. "Ain't that Kesh a fucking loon?"  That is merely a colloquialism though, and not "redneck." 

Perhaps you are thinking of "amn't" as being the proper contraction of "am not", but that is an archaic inscrutable use of language.  Aren't has been established as serving both Am Not and Are Not.

Unless you think that "Are not" is invalid as a contraction?'t_We_All%3F   English play Aren't We All, clearly a work of American rednecks circa 1922.
My posting is like a katana folded 1000 times to perfection.. and the community is what keeps the edge sharp.. and bloody.  -  Me.

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