Author Topic: The facts and Frisia's current position  (Read 10370 times)

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #105 on: January 25, 2013, 07:11:26 pm »
Seriously Artyem show some respect, its not like we mess up our night time to avoid a battle.  Many of the eastern player got there setting around these hours maybe one or two hours difference at maximum.  The night time is no secret and you cant be mad at us for not wanting to fight from 1 am to 3 am .  Keep in mind that it is intend to do the battle in the evening and to finish around midnight for us.

Furthermore, even if we got our ass totally kicked at the siege ( i was part of the failure with the catapult) We made sure to fight at a convenient time for everyone so we could all be present on both sides for this big siege.       Please just think about all the big battle that occur around 2 am to 6 am before in this round of start.

Although I tend to support damn near everything Artyem said, that was quite off-colour. Respect to haramir for not retorting with something similar. I think your battle-times are pretty silly, but I KNOW you guys aren't doing it on purpose to fuck anyone over...I don't think many if any people have done that in this strat. Still, you're fucking plenty of people over...fortunately for us I guess, I think most of those people are yours. I guess we'll see who it fucks the hardest at EIGHT IN DA MO'NING SATURDAY

As far as I remember, the nighttime said 8:00-16:00 when we attacked him...although we didn't even talk about the nighttime before attacking. Just stating what I remember; memory is unreliable. The court system will barely pass sentence on testimony of eye-witnesses anymore, heh. Do trust me that our intent is not to make shitty battles. I want to win by being a BETTER nerd, not a BIGGER nerd.

It's hard to go to you guys and make sure the battle will be at the correct time due to the dynamic of INTERNET WAR...but we'll do our best, guys. I still recommend you set nighttime to begin at 2am, but even setting it at 12:30 would be better than what it is now. I do not ask you to set your nighttime later than 2am, that would be silly. But the nighttime you have DOESNT WORK for what you want. It just makes us have 8am battles sometimes. If the nighttime could last for 12 hours or more it would work. It doesn't, sadly.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 07:38:31 pm by Sandersson Jankins »
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #106 on: January 25, 2013, 07:49:07 pm »
Dunno why people get so butthurt about time... if you have a family, pretty sure that takes priority over games.  If you can make the time good for you, but if you can't and complain... shame on you.


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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #107 on: January 25, 2013, 08:02:58 pm »
Dunno why people get so butthurt about time... if you have a family, pretty sure that takes priority over games.  If you can make the time good for you, but if you can't and complain... shame on you.

No one is saying you can't or shouldn't.  The issue is you guys are saying "if we can't play the battle, neither should the rest if NA".  This is NA strat, let NA players fight the battles on NA ping.  Let your map clicks generate exp for your NA bretheren, even if its bot for yourself.  Your allies have enough players to fill the roster and I imagine that one out of 50 LCO can control the roster after midnight.

I mean if you really want to scorch the earth, I will just ask everyone to have their night time to end at midnight and then boom, all your strat clicks were for nothing.  Most people here are asking for a reasonable compromise, so we can all play this fun game together.  What you're doing is bad for strategus and bad for the NA community.  Terrible night time settings can go both ways, but lets not resort to that.

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #108 on: January 25, 2013, 08:05:33 pm »
If they can't play the battle, why would they want the people attacking them to have their full roster, while they have all mercs?

You people have some very rosy colored glasses.  Take a deep breath, and try to put yourselves in their shoes.  I'd prefer to have a battle go to 8am than have all of us miss a late night battle, while all the jobless/west coasters are able to make it for the enemy team.

What Shinock said would be best, if we could set a 16 hour "nighttime" window, that would cover sleep and work. 

You tried to attack at 12:30am, that would work for you, but not for the defenders...why would they want you to be able to have all your players in the battle, and they would be sleeping?  Wouldn't it be better to have it at 8am where now BOTH sides (instead of one) have to hire other mercs?  I know you guys are all extremely biased, but this is basic logic here.
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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #109 on: January 25, 2013, 08:18:44 pm »
If they can't play the battle, why would they want the people attacking them to have their full roster, while they have all mercs?

You people have some very rosy colored glasses.  Take a deep breath, and try to put yourselves in their shoes.  I'd prefer to have a battle go to 8am than have all of us miss a late night battle, while all the jobless/west coasters are able to make it for the enemy team.

Fail logic = fail.  Every 1 -2 am battle we have had involving your alliance since strat started - 10 or more hospitallers and occitan have been able to show up - same with 9-10 am, the only time not was a 6 am one and you still had 5-6 from each of your clans.

In the midwest its only midnight, mounatin time only 11 pm, west coast 10 pm - 3/4ths of the U.S. players  can still show up - 8 am is 5,6, 7 am at these other time zones - you only get EU mercs to fill rosters instead of NA mercs and often you cant even do a rollcall because you can barely fill a roster unlike 1 to 2 am.  Why not have battles where both side can have a full roster instead of trying to fight with partial rosters filled with eu mercs - 8 am is far worse for everyone than 1 am even eastcoasters unless you work a nightshift because most people leave for work 7-8 am .   a lot easier to go to bed 1 hour late than skip work or show up late.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #110 on: January 25, 2013, 09:06:00 pm »
Fact or Frisian? We report, you decide.
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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #111 on: January 25, 2013, 09:28:40 pm »
prime time for NA is 7pm to 2am East Coast or 6pm to 1am Central or 5pm to 12pm West Coast.

Just saying...  :wink:

You guys are just being selfish like if NA was only ET.

Fun fact for you, IT'S NOT.

Deal with it, you just look like douche now....  :|
A lot of people in the NA community know that Dach rages and in the process of his uncontrollable rage, he tends to kick people.

You've been warned! :twisted:


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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #112 on: January 25, 2013, 09:49:52 pm »
I work a third shift job and this battle time munches asscocks even for me... as far as I can tell it's late enough that people with first shift jobs have to be at work, and people on the third shift don't want to be awake anymore because they will be staying up into the day light hours and fucking with their circadian rhythm. The night time setting Jean_Charest was running just doesn't seem very good, and a lot of people are running this night time without really thinking about it.

And Cracka the problem with your thought about late night battles is that NOT JUST FIMBULVETR MERCENARIES ARE AWAKE AT THAT TIME. Occitan and their allies also have players awake at that time naturally. However, NEITHER SIDE normally has any players in the game at 8:00 AM EST like this battle time.

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #113 on: January 25, 2013, 09:51:15 pm »
prime time for NA is 7pm to 2am East Coast or 6pm to 1am Central or 5pm to 12pm West Coast.

Just saying...  :wink:

You guys are just being selfish like if NA was only ET.

Fun fact for you, IT'S NOT.

Deal with it, you just look like douche now....  :|

When your entire clan is Eastern and work, then their prime time is whatever works for best for them.

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #114 on: January 25, 2013, 10:11:17 pm »
I apologize for the rudeness, I should probably mention I'm in the middle of a very painful surgery recovery and the meds they put me on tend to make me get loopy, and occasionally pissy.

So, no disrespect intended, just in pain and pissed at stupid night time settings.
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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #115 on: January 25, 2013, 10:37:59 pm »
I apologize for the rudeness, I should probably mention I'm in the middle of a very painful surgery recovery and the meds they put me on tend to make me get loopy, and occasionally pissy.

So, no disrespect intended, just in pain and pissed at stupid night time settings.

I'm glad you got rid of that third nipple, though.
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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #116 on: January 25, 2013, 10:43:28 pm »
Its ok Artyem, its just that i don't understand why people are on our back just after we have been totally raped in a siege assault.

I think we can all agree that the current system is badly implement, it would be better to select a prime time instead of only a eight hour protection.  we don't like it either to fight early in the morning.

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #117 on: January 25, 2013, 10:45:20 pm »
People seem to misunderstand that night settings are personal and don't require community approval. Constantly complaining about someone setting their own night to what they deem appropriate seems petty, childish, and tiresome.

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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #118 on: January 25, 2013, 10:54:18 pm »

I'm glad you got rid of that third nipple, though.

It will forever be missed :(
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Re: The facts and Frisia's current position
« Reply #119 on: January 25, 2013, 11:00:23 pm »
Their night time settings deal with it. They are keeping it so stop crying and adjust to their settings or get better jobs.  :mrgreen:
Heaven forbid kesh misses one strat battle  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 11:04:00 pm by Goretooth »
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