Author Topic: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.  (Read 2883 times)

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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2013, 12:32:51 am »
Eh I just don't think it's a problem, but that's me, a spawn raper.
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2013, 10:48:33 pm »
Whatever your feelings about spawnraping, as this is about valour, we must consider this:

val·or/ˈvæl ər/ Show Spelled [val-er] Show IPA
boldness or determination in facing great danger, especially in battle; heroic courage; bravery: a medal for valor. 

Just negate the valour formula for any attacks from ranged or horseback, period. Only face to face melee kills should count towards your ability to earn valour and an extra multiplier. That may just reduced the ranged and cavalry "scourge" or at least encourage them to fight on foot enough to earn their valour and extra multiplier, or they may just go infantry period.
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2013, 11:51:41 pm »
There is already spawn protection built into the game.  Its called spawn on time and stay with your team.  This isn't a drop in-drop out game, its based on rounds, with people expected to spawn at the same time.

Penalizing players who fight near the spawn is just rewarding AFK leechers.
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2013, 01:28:59 am »
Whatever your feelings about spawnraping, as this is about valour, we must consider this:

Just negate the valour formula for any attacks from ranged or horseback, period. Only face to face melee kills should count towards your ability to earn valour and an extra multiplier. That may just reduced the ranged and cavalry "scourge" or at least encourage them to fight on foot enough to earn their valour and extra multiplier, or they may just go infantry period.

I don't see how playing cavalry and being forced to ninja people is in any way better than playing inf and racking points by running after the backs of people (say what you want that is what all the good players will do only second to protecting their own life, no matter what class they are playing). For me valor represents prowess and effectiveness. Right now it isn't favouring range or cav because of how the proximity rewards work.

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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2013, 02:04:34 am »
There is already spawn protection built into the game.  Its called spawn on time and stay with your team.  This isn't a drop in-drop out game, its based on rounds, with people expected to spawn at the same time.

Penalizing players who fight near the spawn is just rewarding AFK leechers.

Nice way to make things sound totally different.

A forced behaviour is not a feature. That's why protection by spawning in time or sticking to teammates is not to be compared to a spawn protection feature. And sometimes you just can't spawn in time, for various reasons. Saying "You get spawnraped? Spawn in time!" is like saying "You are bad at maths? Next time jst don't make mistakes and you will write an A in the next class test.". It's completely worthless advice and shows a shocking lack of understanding and empathy for the problem.

And how about rephrasing "Penalizing players who fight near the spawn is just rewarding afk leechers" to "Penalizing spawnrapers who farm defenseless targets at the spawn is just rewarding players who spawned in lately"?

In my eyes protecting decent players of spawnrape is much more important than preventing leechers of leeching or granting bad cavalry easy kills. Next to the fact that all counter arguments to a proper, working spawn protection can be nullified.
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2013, 05:36:51 pm »
Creating a zone of negative valor (not for tks ofc) in the spawn area would greatly reduce rape imo : ))

so every kill there is treated like a tk and bla whatever.

Create waste of devs time on a non-issue.

You check "ready" button and then spawn. Now you are in the battlefield. If you spawn same time as your team and stick with them you prob have higher chance to stay alive longer. If you spawn different time and are all alone you have lower chance to stay alive longer. Everyone can choose when they spawn. Sometimes irl issues force you to spawn alone but then you just have to deal with it and not whine about it, it is nobody's fault. Where is the problem?

I get the feeling that most whiners think spawnraping makes cav top the scoreboards and they don't want this to happen because they are mad at cav. At least k/d ratio and "easy kills" was something that was brought up in the other spawnraping thread and by Joker86 in this thread. Well I can say that on average, in maps where spawn raping is possible, I probably get 1 kill per round due to attacking spawn and finding an easy target. And to get there I have to dodge enemy cav (who usually follow me entire round from start to finish), archers who are near the spawn and fake-afk people who are looking for easy cav kills. Most of the time the risk does not pay but the hilarious whine from clueless players, desire to get action fast instead of waiting for infantry and rare kill streaks that start from flanking the enemy makes me want to do it. It is just a playstyle, and one that can be easily countered.
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2013, 06:09:36 pm »
imagine being shot at by 10 archers the second you spawn,  your horse dying immediately and you being  shot to peaces over the next 30 seconds without anything you can do.
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2013, 06:32:34 pm »
imagine being shot at by 10 archers the second you spawn,  your horse dying immediately and you being  shot to peaces over the next 30 seconds without anything you can do.


I suggest you stop making exaggerated analogies because they make no sense and do nothing to improve your argument. If you spawn late you might have to deal with enemy cav, but you certainly have a good chance to survive even if you don't have a spear, I have survived many times against multiple cav despite being 1h shielder with 0 athletics, just find a wall, map edge, hill, rock or a tree and you are home free. You can find at least one of these near the spawn in most maps.
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2013, 06:45:22 pm »

I suggest you stop making exaggerated analogies because they make no sense and do nothing to improve your argument.

It is exaggerated? You mean archers don't have the wings of hermes on their boots making them faster than anything but the fastest horses and can't sprint across the map laughing at the sucker melee in pursuit? Do tell!
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2013, 07:18:05 pm »
mas,  I guess problem is that you are lookin at everything from your own perspective and have trouble understanding what I'm about.  I dont judge you for that,  I am just disappoint.
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2013, 07:38:35 pm »
mas,  I guess problem is that you are lookin at everything from your own perspective and have trouble understanding what I'm about.  I dont judge you for that,  I am just disappoint.
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Dude, my last post was explaining the spawnraping situation from the infantry perspective vs cav...

On the other side the whiners seem to have no clue of cavs perspective and seem to really think spawnraping is how cav gets all their kills.

Seriously feels like I'm arguing with retards.
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Offline Torben

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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2013, 07:53:20 pm »
Dude, my last post was explaining the spawnraping situation from the infantry perspective vs cav...

On the other side the whiners seem to have no clue of cavs perspective and seem to really think spawnraping is how cav gets all their kills.

Seriously feels like I'm arguing with retards.

its not about the cav,  not about its point of view,  just about getting a lance in your head the second you spawn.  who the fuck cares what the cav had to do to achieve that.  and if it doesnt pay off for the cav, hell, even one reason more not to fuck up the gaming experience for another guy. especially peasants.  fucking killing a peasant at spawn,  wtf.  there is just no reason at all to do it,  you're saying it yourself. ( you came a long way from your "lol no thats where i get all my kills from attitude" btw,  congrats for that at least : )
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2013, 09:21:54 pm »
its not about the cav,  not about its point of view,  just about getting a lance in your head the second you spawn.  who the fuck cares what the cav had to do to achieve that.  and if it doesnt pay off for the cav, hell, even one reason more not to fuck up the gaming experience for another guy. especially peasants.  fucking killing a peasant at spawn,  wtf.  there is just no reason at all to do it,  you're saying it yourself. ( you came a long way from your "lol no thats where i get all my kills from attitude" btw,  congrats for that at least : )

is that from the super old thread where I already explained it was a troll answer to your bad posting? Or do you also think cav gets most of the kills from spawnraping?

What are the arguments why spawnraping should be stopped? "its lame" "it just boosts cavs k/d ratio" "takes no skill"

In other words, people are whining for no reason.
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2013, 10:51:44 pm »
imagine being shot at by 10 archers the second you spawn,  your horse dying immediately and you being  shot to peaces over the next 30 seconds without anything you can do.

+1  :twisted:
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Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2013, 11:45:28 pm »
What are the arguments why spawnraping should be stopped?

dude really? 
Yes, I know from whence I came! Discontented as a flame, Upon myself I live and glow. All I grasp like lightning flashes, All I leave behind is ashes
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