
Make a bug report thread

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Author Topic: [cRPG 0.220]Patch Bug Report Thread ?  (Read 559 times)

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Offline Dexxtaa

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[cRPG 0.220]Patch Bug Report Thread ?
« on: April 29, 2011, 07:03:51 am »
Can we get one ? If there's enough interest, I can make this one the "official" bug report thread.  Waiting for about 10 yes votes (assuming we don't get no votes).

In the mean time, post whatever you notice is off with the new patch (even obvious stuff like missing textures, meshes, stunlock etc). I'll compile a list as the replies come in :)

edit; Noticed Diomedes' sister-post regarding stuff to balance out. That's similar as far as stats and numbers go. Go ahead and post hard-number stuff on his thread :

And keep stuff that's more organic (or hard to quantify) here!



Missing Textures for Armor
- Heavy Strange Armor

Missing Textures for Weapons
- Long Pike

Stunlock to the point victim cannot fight back with pretty much all weapons (I stunlocked a plater to death with a staff. It took a while but he clearly couldn't fight back)

Timer broken on Capture the Flag

Exp/Gold gain
- Sporadic (does not follow set amount of time)
- Not reported in message list (only on website)

Combat feels sluggish (speed change?)

Archers seem to have laser arrows and extreme accuracy (not confirmed, someone check that please)
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 07:27:31 am by Dexxtaa »
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Offline Whalen207

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Re: [cRPG 0.220]Patch Bug Report Thread ?
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2011, 01:36:02 pm »
I have three characters. They all got nerfed.

My Archer: He used polearms and light bows with an AGI builc. chadz raised all weapon requirements and made polearms always take up two slots.

My 2hander: Native lolstab is the suck, and the epic thrust of fail just makes it worse. Archers everywhere totally helps.

My cavalry: Not sure if they patched it but the unmovable lances and invisible long pikes are a bit of a problem.
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