Just like with The Last of Us 2, this one is From the Degenerates for the Degenerates. Funny how I did not pick on it earlier, after all it is set in slightly futuristic Lost Angeles, hometown of global degeneracy. Shitty theme and vision of cyberpunk aside this will end up being a turd because:
- graphical issues which may or may not be fixed, they are heavily optimizing for consoles from 2013 so object pop in, muddy textures, blur filters are representin all over the place
- obviously have not played it but after 25 years I can tell something feels off from the video and in this game gameplay just seems like crap (thanks to mount and blade clones and bannerlord): shitty hand to hand fighting, shitty driving model, shooting feels and sounds like crap, they have not managed to get at least one aspect of gameplay right, may change for release tho but honestly doubt it
- the futuristic city of hundred million dwellers who mostly live by night is pretty barren and devoid of life, kind of like Hells Kitchen from Deus Ex but that was running on Pentium 3... no cars, no pedestrians, just so called important npcs
- your male model has obnoxious voice, probably done on purpose to force you to play as a female, i will probably do that regardless but gay move (as expected from lbgt developer crowd)
That quest where you fight twins is especially retarded, they claim to be one person then proceed to fight you 2 vs 1 by taking turns like it is Assassins Creed... 2008 called and wants its gameplay back Cybershit 2077
Even after so much time one thing is certain, consoles ruin everything. And degenerates. They completely ruined gaming. Gratz.
Edit: They really should rewatch Altered Carbon S01 and try to pick some cues for the future at least, they somehow managed to turn cyberpunk theme into Teletubbies show. Takes skill to do that.