Author Topic: cant get crpg password on new computer  (Read 262 times)

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cant get crpg password on new computer
« on: January 03, 2013, 05:53:47 pm »
i recently got a new computer for christmas and i downloaded crpg again but when i try to do reset password the server message doesnt show up and it's still the same cd key what do i do :?

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Re: cant get crpg password on new computer
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2013, 06:57:18 pm »
step 1: recreat an old character
step 2: go to an OFFICIAL (EU1, EU2, NA1, NA2...) and press QMPY (or qmps, im not sure)
                                                                                                     ==> if you have AZERTY like me, you have to press A,PY (or A,PS)
you should now get the message

if all fails, go to IRC: