Yea, Desire is usually a great Admin.
That being said, scenario last night was, everyone is swinging at each other before round starts. Pretty typical. I'm 3rd in server on DTV (so not just screwing around) and clip someone. He reports me before round starts. I ask him why he did this. He ignores. So I submitted a poll to VK, as he was abusing the report system, reporting before a round even starts. Desire banned me on the spot, for abuse of the poll system, as Cap states.
I'm not an admin, obviously, and can't truly speak for what they do because as stated, I'm not one. I'm not disputing this ban, in the least, in part because from what I see, admins have little to no accountability for their actions. But again, I'm not an admin, and have no idea how difficult it must be to deal with the immaturity and BS they have to deal with on a daily basis. What happened happened, and that's fine with me.
What I'm curious about, Desire, is the answer to the question that was put to you before you banned me, that you answered just by banning me. How is reporting someone for teamwounding you before a round starts and you can't physically take teamwound damage anyways, not abusing the report system? Thanks in advance for not responding with gibberish and "everyone hates me" stuff, and actually giving an answer that shows you admins do care about the community and the job you do. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who has this particular question. Please note, for the record, I am not calling for a "revenge teamkill" or a "you reported me I kill you" situation. Just curious for a clarification.