Level 35 (142 278 448 xp)
Strength: 15
Agility: 30
Skills to attributes: 10
Ironflesh: 1
Power Strike: 5
Athletics: 10
Weapon Master: 10
One Handed: 50
Two Handed: 50
Crossbow: rest
I can't decide between one handed (Grosse Messer, Broad Short Sword) and two handed (Langes Messer, stuff I pick up). As I use the Langes Messer, I want some 1h wpf to reduce the repair chance and some 2h to make better use of it. When I have 1h wpf anyway, I can use Grosse Messer and the Broad Short Sword whenever I feel like it. Twisted logic, but it's fun to play like this.
The rest of the wpf in xbow is just awesome... That reloading speed! That accuracy ;D
10 athletics is pretty nice, too. Ofc it's pointless to kite as a xbowguy, but I really want these athletics to compensate my little melee weapon range.
Imo, it's just the ultimate sniper&melee hybrid build I want to use on Siege playing together with HRE ^_^ Ofc, you need an idea about how to use speed boni and hold swings to penetrate heavy armor with only 5 PS and the cut damage weapons I equip. But I am constantly getting better at this, so I don't give up))