Author Topic: Remove thrust stun for poles.  (Read 9852 times)

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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #150 on: January 01, 2013, 05:00:34 pm »
we dont need to remove thrust stun.   what is with crpgers these days. they want shit removed like crazy.

ok lets make a game with 1 weapon type, 1 weapon,  guaranteed to be balanced.  idiots...

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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #151 on: January 01, 2013, 06:54:44 pm »
we dont need to remove thrust stun.   what is with crpgers these days. they want shit removed like crazy.

ok lets make a game with 1 weapon type, 1 weapon,  guaranteed to be balanced.  idiots...

Dude who the fuck are you?! and why are u in every topic acting like u own this shit, telling people they should shut up.

Fuck off.
And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #152 on: January 01, 2013, 07:32:37 pm »
we dont need to remove thrust stun.   what is with crpgers these days. they want shit removed like crazy.

ok lets make a game with 1 weapon type, 1 weapon,  guaranteed to be balanced.  idiots...

Yeah but no offense buuut.....Who dafaq are cho?  :shock: I know not your ingame name and the way you have been going around thread to thread as if you are some vet player trying to be all smart and what not kinda just says you are some new guy who doesn't seem to understand how cRPG works in the "balance" department.

Pfft nubs these days, the cheek  :rolleyes:
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Offline slimpyman

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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #153 on: January 02, 2013, 09:59:18 pm »
Dude who the fuck are you?! and why are u in every topic acting like u own this shit, telling people they should shut up.

Fuck off.

dont be jealous im 2good4u.

im a completely ignorant bastard. I think im god, and too ignorant to believe anything others say.

speaking of who the fuck are yous,  who the fuck are you, you no-namer :)

haha be good and play safe.

i use polearm and i dont find thruststun to be a problem. if there is a healthy debate, id love to join, but its a risk reward system. not all weapon swing actions should be able to be repeated once every second.     if you stab a brick wall, you should be stunned for a moment.

for the record champs, Ive been playing since janurary 2011.   its 2013. im a 2 year vet, so i accept your apology in advance.

ive been through many changes and just want this game to continue to be a technical competitive game.

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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #154 on: January 03, 2013, 01:55:01 am »
Hey prp`s don`t waste your time with that chump.
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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #155 on: January 03, 2013, 03:12:16 am »
Can't we just set the three thrust stun times to the same as the swing stun times? Or make it only slightly longer, instead of how much ridiculously longer it is?
I am of course referring to these in actions.

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NOTE: Slower weapon speeds take longer times to execute these animations to my understanding, explaining why pike and the lower speed polearms have effectively longer stun times than 2h.
Doesn't matter, my suggestion is the same for all of them.
I have not encountered any balance reason as to why the thrust stuns are uniformly longer than all other attack directions. Also, why the fuck aren't they all in order in the code, why is it out of order? sloppyyyy, made it hard to find.
Oh, and I didn't read past page 2 of this thread. Should I? Is there anything actually said of value? I'll read from here on.
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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #156 on: January 03, 2013, 10:52:04 am »
Because 2h stab was hugely OP in Native and it had to have some drawbacks, a point which still stands for cRPG.

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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #157 on: January 03, 2013, 11:07:17 am »
Because 2h stab was hugely OP in Native and it had to have some drawbacks, a point which still stands for cRPG.
Thrust stun adversely affects the next swing, not that one. And that overpoweredness isn't the case in cRPG (at least, not to a huge extent). Imo, thrust stun should go to 0.4000 across the board. Still slightly more than all the other attack directions.

My point is that thrust stun should not make it so you Can not physically block their counter attack, that is the main problem with the current stun time values. It is too long of a stun duration. It isn't like my change will enable you to follow up with another attack before someone can attack back [ie; a double swing, castor swing, whatever you want to call it. ]. That won't happen at 0.4000. Just people won't be completely defenseless, they'll be able to block...
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 11:12:27 am by Marathon »
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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #158 on: January 03, 2013, 11:48:36 am »
Because 2h stab was hugely OP in Native and it had to have some drawbacks, a point which still stands for cRPG.

The only thing that is OP in 2h stab,is the goddamn lolstab animation and the ghostreach of it, not the damage.
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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #159 on: January 03, 2013, 11:57:42 am »
The only thing that is OP in 2h stab,is the goddamn lolstab animation and the ghostreach of it, not the damage.

From my observation most of the 2h don't have ghost reach, except for 2h like the barmace and highland claymore i believe

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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #160 on: January 03, 2013, 12:04:46 pm »
From my observation most of the 2h don't have ghost reach, except for 2h like the barmace and highland claymore i believe

a stab can outreach a heavy lance  :shock:
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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #161 on: January 03, 2013, 12:08:33 pm »
a stab can outreach a heavy lance  :shock:

The overhead of the warcleaver can outrange a swiss and longer, also with sideswings, also the danish can, etc, etc.

And weapons like Warcleaver have ghostrange like hell. And the 2H stab is just long, theres no ghosreach, its just waaay to long.
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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #162 on: January 03, 2013, 12:10:33 pm »
Thrust stun adversely affects the next swing, not that one. And that overpoweredness isn't the case in cRPG (at least, not to a huge extent). Imo, thrust stun should go to 0.4000 across the board. Still slightly more than all the other attack directions.
Whether it affects the next swing or the thrust itself is besides the point, it is a disadvantage of using the thrust. As soon as it is 0.4, the stun is completely irrelevant, because I am not even sure if any weapon can execute an attack within that time.

Correct me if I am wrong, but there are two different stun things for the thrusts right? Your thrust doesn't always get stunned like that when it is blocked. So isn't the duration of that base stun not already something around 0.3, with the 0.7 one only happening when you execute a bad stab?

My main gripe with this thrust stun is that when I use a 2h, I know exactly when it happens, and it never happens otherwise aside from hitting an object. Hitting very late in the animation, ergo dragging the stab into someone gets you stunned. Which is excellent, because that is one of the lamest things in the game, the 2h thrust swipe of doom, that shit should get punished. The 2h stab does damage far beyond the point it should anyway, when it is already starting to retract. Getting punished for hitting objects and doing very late dragging stabs is something I strongly encourage.

However, when I use it with the longspear, might just be the weapon and not the class. The only way I can hit is doing dragging hits, not nearly as late into the animation as 2h, but I can't put my finger on when I can expect the thrust stun to happen. When I hit an object or the floor, I am completely okay with hit, I fucked up so I should get fucked. But half the time I do a stab as always and suddenly I stand there staring at my limp stick for a full second.

On the point of 2h stab OP-ness in cRPG. It used to be slow but long, while the polearm stab was short and fast. The polearm stab is still short and fast, but now the 2h stab is also fast and can do instahits on facehug range as easily as polearm can and could. It is also able to hit incredibly late as incredibly early into the animation, which makes it almost impossible to chamber. It basically has no weaknesses apart from the thrust stun, which is why I wouldn't want it gone from cRPG. I don't want it gone for poles either, I just would like it to feel less random.

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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #163 on: January 03, 2013, 12:34:08 pm »
However, when I use it with the longspear, might just be the weapon and not the class. The only way I can hit is doing dragging hits, not nearly as late into the animation as 2h, but I can't put my finger on when I can expect the thrust stun to happen. When I hit an object or the floor, I am completely okay with hit, I fucked up so I should get fucked. But half the time I do a stab as always and suddenly I stand there staring at my limp stick for a full second.

Think it has to do with how late in the animation the stab is blocked. Since you're always dragging hits, you always get your stab blocked slightly later in the animation I guess. Couple that with the slow speed of the weapon (probably affects the whole thing somehow) and you have a thrust stun that seems random, but probably isn't.

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Re: Remove thrust stun for poles.
« Reply #164 on: January 04, 2013, 12:40:07 am »
Whether it affects the next swing or the thrust itself is besides the point, it is a disadvantage of using the thrust. As soon as it is 0.4, the stun is completely irrelevant, because I am not even sure if any weapon can execute an attack within that time.  What? Can you re-word that? That made no sense

Correct me if I am wrong, but there are two different stun things for the thrusts right? Your thrust doesn't always get stunned like that when it is blocked. So isn't the duration of that base stun not already something around 0.3, with the 0.7 one only happening when you execute a bad stab?
I'm correcting you.  0.7 is not only when you execute a bad stab, it's just always. You've got some crazy placebo shit, yo.

As for the rest of your post complaining about 2h balance, okay. That doesn't have to deal with what is in question. You're upset about the 2h stab animation being OP, and it is. It has incredible reach and the points you made earlier. I present you with this: that is a separate issue that should be solved in a different thread.
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