Intentional? I think if you choose to spam your weapon with no regard for teammates, it is report worthy whether or not it was an "accident."
Now, being a spearman, my FAVORITE are the people who see me fighting someone and get in my way. Now, I am not saying that I have full control over each and every fight. But as I spearman I need a gap between me and the enemy. A gap that mindless teammates LOVE filling up, and thus getting teamhit and raging.
IMO, if it TRULY was an accident, you should have nothing to worry about. You need to go full retard 4 more times to actually get kicked. That is VERY hard to do. I teamhit all day as a spearman because it's hard to read the dancing teammates everywhere and I have never been kicked for TK's. Maybe once or twice in defend the virgin when people intentionally would jump in front...