Then it's most likely an issue with your internet provider's routing to the server's location. Do a trace route (in a command line " tracert x.x.x.x) and make sure they're not routing you through Australia or something that isn't geographically the shortest path. Network standards dictate you should always take the shortest route, if they are fucking you over by routing you out of the way you have every right to call and complain.
If you start talking about routes and asking them to set a static route for that IP's subnet they'll probably think you know what you're talking about and possibly oblige.
The server IP's are kinda secret aren't they? I tracert the crpg page:
My crpg ping is currently ~50 ms, while I always had and still have in any other game (including native) ~20 ms.
I have no clue about networking stuff, but it looks like I get around 20 ms to the crpg page aswell?
Does this tell anybody anything?
EDIT1: tracert of the other 2 whatever, when I make DNS lookup
EDIT:2 tracert of forum and google