Author Topic: Should some polearms be "cut" rather than "pierce"?  (Read 1383 times)

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Re: Should some polearms be "cut" rather than "pierce"?
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2012, 03:57:34 pm »
Doesn't this just support my argument?

I like variety, but your suggestion of changing pretty much all polearms to a cut thrust is a joke.

As for the rest is the Long Awlpike not a reasonably long support weapon?

Not a typical pike weapon. Having both pike and long spear cut would be silly. Considering they're very different already, you wouldn't need to change their damage type to get some variety. Also, heavy horses would be really op with almost all polearms having cut damage on the thrust. No rearing and terrible damage. :wink:

Won't lances being high cut damage finally solve the Lancer QQing about peasants surviving lance hits when tincans get one hit?

The question is, why all lances (don't count the practice lance, its damage is laughable)? Could accept one of the lances being high cut, but all of them doesn't make sense when you say you're after some diversity.

Do the Military and Battle Forks not count as piercing Hoplite Weapons?  (This one is a genuine question as i don't know if they are un-useable with Shields like the Awlpike)

They're useable but the very short. Military fork can't even rear horses.

The point here is not to arbitrarily pick some weapons to change, this is how item balance has worked for too long imo and it just leads to mass lobbying, QQing for change and endless whine.  Changes should be made for specific reasons and once made the changes should be applied to all items of a similar design.

No thanks.
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Should some polearms be "cut" rather than "pierce"?
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2012, 04:12:48 pm »
This change combined with an appropriate damage re-balance should return spears to their true role of being mainly anti cav

Keep in mind that cut stabs do not rear horses. Also, no.

I think this is basically the thread.
You think you're pretty smart with your dago mustache and your greasy hair.

Offline Pentecost

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Re: Should some polearms be "cut" rather than "pierce"?
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2012, 04:45:34 pm »
I propose that the following weapon thrusts be re-designated as "cut"
Scythe, Boar Spear, Shortened Spear, Fauchard, Bamboo Spear, Great Lance, Spear, Light Lance, Long Voulge, Hafted Blade, Lance, Pike, Long Spear, Red Tassel Spear, War Spear, Long Bardiche, Double Sided Lance, Ashwood Pike, Long Hafted Blade, Partisan, Heavy Lance, English Bill, Swiss Halberd, Glaive & Great Long Bardiche

As other people have already said, your proposed changes would actually be a gigantic buff to cav. You would be better off trying to stop them with a Pitchfork, Trident, or Military scythe (pierce damage thrust) than you would with a Long Spear, and none of the weapons that would retain a pierce damage thrust would be able to outreach a Great Lance or Heavy Lance unless the rider has terrible position/timing.

This change combined with an appropriate damage re-balance should return spears to their true role of being mainly anti cav or anti light infantry weapons, whilst increasing the importance and value of the polearms that were designed to pierce armour such as the Awlpike and the Poleaxe.

The Awlpike isn't used much these days not because of its stats but because the turn speed change made two-directional polearms, which were already not the most popular choice out there, comparatively weak relative to other weapon classes. The Poleaxe doesn't need any increase to its "importance and value"; it's one of the most commonly used and heirloomed four-directional polearms.

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Re: Should some polearms be "cut" rather than "pierce"?
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2012, 04:57:58 pm »
This change combined with an appropriate damage re-balance should return spears to their true role of being mainly anti cav or anti light infantry weapons, whilst increasing the importance and value of the polearms that were designed to pierce armour such as the Awlpike and the Poleaxe.
Seeing as their true role was being the main weapon of choice for any melee army ever, I'd say spears don't have that good a spot already, considering their 'true role'.