So, to begin with, i would like to start with a little cry : Please, reopen the EU Melee_Only server ?It can have 30 slots, its enough, as long as there no archers there
even cav can stay, just save me from that deadly prick DKG_BROT
Second thing i would like to ask for, is there any chance to replace 1h kick animation, so that it looks as shield bash ? I know that all 2h and poles would whine about 1h being op blah blah, we all know the truth that 1h are not so op as 2h can be
So i am not asking for things like add more dmg to ''bash '' the better / heavier / more awesome shield you have or more shieldskill etc, cuz that would probably be a buttload of work. i just simply ask for making 1h kick a bit more badass, by making it look like shield bash just a simple animation, range dmg and all the effects could stay the same