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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2040 on: June 15, 2015, 11:21:36 pm »
My only fear is that GRRM will alter the story for the tv show because in the show they ve taken some steps that cant be undone

Ihave been living with this fear now since the Craster's Keep intermezzo in Season 4.

It also feels strange as a book reader to now get spoilered by the show. I mean, (smaller or bigger) details will surely differ but the overall way the story goes will surely be the same. I am currently thinking about not watching seasons 6 and 7 until the books will have been finished.

EDIT: It really makes me smile how people freak out because one of their favourite characters in a TV show gets killed or some or other stuff happening there. On FB I was in a German language GoT-group (mostly Stark and Dany fangirls) and people there went completely apeshit after S05E09.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 11:24:58 pm by Franke »
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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2041 on: June 15, 2015, 11:24:33 pm »
Also what crap they did with the dragons... It's so cool in the books that they act like mighty wild animals. Daenerys - the mother of Dragons, yeah cool, but how to control them, how to teach them anything? Drogon appears at the fighting pits because of the smell of blood and meat - not to fucking save her like in the show. Then the scene after that is just great in the book, daenerys, worn down, dead hungry, having diarrhea because of being forced eating chunks of burned but raw flesh and eating poisonous berries only gets Drogon again to hunt down that horse because he likes to eat as well. And then that final image, both feeding on the horse carcass while Khal Pogo (or whats his name) finds them. What was wrong with that for the show?

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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2042 on: June 15, 2015, 11:26:44 pm »
why u care so much about snow? early on he was a pussy and he slowly developed into a cool character. any other character can go through the same process. jamie lannister was hated early on and slowly he's getting "cooler" as other characters do. sansa stark was a small useless whinny cunt, now she's developing into a cool chick. some good chars will die while others will emerge...

also tell me book readers why can those religious dickheads walk the queen naked through the city without anything happening to them. i didn't really get it from the show :)
What are you talking about? Who hated Jaime Lannister early on? He has always been a great character, he just wasn't a nice guy. It sounds like you have some difficulties distinguishing characters from real life people. Jaime's just become more boring with the loss of his hand, he lost his swagger like Teeth said. Sansa hasn't developed anywhere and there's nothing she can do. And the reason people care about Jon Snow is that he was doing stuff, his story arc was interesting, he didn't just sit and talk about how he totes didn't do any incest.

Arya is about the only interesting character arc left in the books/show.
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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2043 on: June 15, 2015, 11:28:11 pm »
Drogon appears at the fighting pits because of the smell of blood and meat - not to fucking save her like in the show.

Some more D&D hate from me here. When they are not capable to write a good scene on their own, why not take the one from the books? Why in seven hells would they literally copy that STAR WARS scenario with the Clones? I found this really ridiculous.

Beauchamp: These religious dickheads can do this because they have the support or the population of King's Landing (around 500k people) who HATE the queen. Everything the crown has are the gold cloaks and a handful of Lannister Guards. Enough to do Police duties but nothing to withstand a rebellion.
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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2044 on: June 15, 2015, 11:30:31 pm »
Also, yet more unexplained crap: how did Jorah, Daenerys' fuckboy (can't even remember his name) and Tyrion escape from the pits? They were surrounded by a crapton of enemies. But I guess everyone was just like "ehhhh, whatever, these guys killed our friends and are the trusted allies of the hated witch-Daenerys but would you look at the time" and left.
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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2045 on: June 16, 2015, 12:12:20 am »
Perhaps. But the creators of the show seem to favor Deus Ex Machina quite a bit more heavily, lately.

Predictions: Theon broke her fall and his mangled body is all smashed up and is finally at peace. Sansa reunites with Brienne.

Or. Theon takes Sansa to the Iron Islands, Sansa pregnant by Ramsay.

I don't think you get pregnant during butt secks. Unless Ramsay "raped" her more, off camera.

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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2046 on: June 16, 2015, 12:44:44 am »
Perhaps. But the creators of the show seem to favor Deus Ex Machina quite a bit more heavily, lately.

Predictions: Theon broke her fall and his mangled body is all smashed up and is finally at peace. Sansa reunites with Brienne.

Or. Theon takes Sansa to the Iron Islands, Sansa pregnant by Ramsay.

Holy shit LMFAO......Iron Islands? If it's true that the casting calls says that a pirate is being casted and he's Euron.......poor Sansa...from Joffrey to Littlefinger to Ramsay to Euron. Shit aint easy
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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2047 on: June 16, 2015, 01:33:11 am »
--show spoilers ahead--

Fuck the finale.

I started this season as a diehard GoT fan and ended up wanting to get Thoros of Myr to resurrect someone.  Yeah, no.  Not Jon Snow.  Isn't Melissandre closer anyway?  I think Thoros of Myr should resurrect Maximilien Robespierre, a famous artist beyond even the lands of Asshair, critically acclaimed for his magnus opus, "The Terror".  Because fuck Westeros and fuck all of their Lords.  Robespierre would have it all cleaned up in a matter of days.  Seriously, though, fuck all of them.  At this point I'm just dreaming of different ways in which the remainder of the characters will die.  I legitimately hope the White Walkers destroy the entire continent (I changed my mind, fuck Robespierre, too).

Okay, enough of that shit.  Let me just say that the writing is what really killed it for me.  I don't care that the show is branching off in a major way from the books.  I told myself I didn't care, anyway, because I gave D&D the benefit of the doubt.  After all, the writing was pretty good up until S5 considering the scope of the plot and the inherent limitations of television.  Anyway, here it is.  Read it, or better yet, don't.  Save me the trouble of reliving all the shit moments in the finale.  Because if you read it you'll probably disagree and get just as petty as me and I'll just conjure up the sheer blunt force of fecal discharge that is Season 5 of Game of Thrones.

I've been lurking this thread and others in denial when people started to predict the anticlimactic rhythm of S5 but I persevered in loyal silence. And I really don't care about the recent deaths, in fact, I was pretty indifferent and had the major death at the end of the finale already spoiled for me.  But the entire episode felt like it was rushed in terms of dialogue and transitions, such as the transition from inside Mereen to the walls when Tyrion meets up with Varys again and the same old clichéd expressions come out and everything is so goddamn predictable.  If they're going to give them time in the finale why not give them some interesting dialogue?  Wouldn't they be at least a little interested in each other's adventures?  But no.  This is the fucking season finale and we have to hear Varys and Tyrion discuss all the shit we already know about Mereen and the realm and shit.  It's just a rehash of the same boring dialogue that they've had since S1 albeit slightly modified for the plot.  Then it sinks in you've wasted 10 boring minutes in Mereen again.  Then there was the whole Stannis part of the episode.  The way they "finished" up Stannis' story arc for the season still makes me cringe.  Yeah D&D, I wasn't going to tune into the premiere of S6 with the knowledge of what happened to Stannis.  Good thing you fixed that by taking advantage of the cheapest plot device in all of television and cutting a few milliseconds away from finishing his story arc.  I can see you fuckfaces grinning after that one.  gg

The redeeming part of the finale was Cersei's part (oh wow, a GoT episode starring Cersei that I actually enjoyed) and Jon's reunion with Benjen.  Sure the latter was a pretty clumsy nod to Wilhelm Schakespeire.  I mean, is it possible to have something more hokey than having men with northern accents reenact one of the most famous scenes in all of theatre?  Specifically that scene?  That shit was painful but I suppose the majority of the audience wouldn't care, let alone even realize that GRRM is obsessive about Shakespeare and refers to him at least over 9000 times.  But I was suddenly set at ease knowing that Jon Snow wasn't going to be fucking prancing around Castle Black anymore considering he's just some fucked up synthesis of the neoliberal "chosen one" that is the basis for the cult of Harry Potter, Jesus Christ, or Gandhi.  Fuck Jon Snow.  And I think literally anyone would agree Cersei's part was the best.  Guys got boobs (bonus Cersei is a bitch and gets humiliated) and girls got the pure simple pleasure of watching Cersei get owned.

I'm done.  Fuck this show.  See you next April.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 01:44:25 am by Tagora »
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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2048 on: June 16, 2015, 01:59:22 am »
When I saw them bring Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun the giant back from Hardholme I had some hopes that they would make Jons stabbing as interesting as it was in the books but noooooo.
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I am glad they are keeping Samwell Tubby's citadel story arc but the show makes it look like he was trying to get away from the nights watch, made it sound a bit like he was begging Jon to send him but it was Jon's idea to send him there to get master training, Sam didn't want to leave. Why would they need to change something as simple as that?
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« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 02:05:03 am by Asheram »
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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2049 on: June 16, 2015, 02:01:16 am »

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uhh, you're not posting book spoilers are you?  Or did I miss something in the show?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 02:53:02 am by Tagora »
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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2050 on: June 16, 2015, 02:04:38 am »
uhh, you're not posting book spoilers are you?  Or did I miss something in the show?
Well the last bit about the master with the dragonglass candle is, but I didn't really touch on any circumstances, sry put it in spoilers if you want. The Sam begging to leave though isn't a book spoiler as he didn't it was Jons idea not Sams. Well it shouldn't be one anyhow, the idoit show writers didn't really need to change that part at all.
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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2051 on: June 16, 2015, 02:12:20 am »
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Considering the leaked Season 6 role descriptions, I doubt he will meet that guy, instead he's likely to meet someone else, whom he already knows and fears...

EDIT: I was wondering something else when I saw Jamie leaving Dorne in S05E10...

With Jamie returning from Dorne and Brienne (probably) returning from the North (I do not think that Theon/Sansa will travel to Pyke, Theon will prly die and Sansa join up with the mad Renly fangirl), is it possible that we will see a continued Riverlands storyline in S06? With all those players like Brynden Tully, Waldie Frey and the BwB?

Or how else could Jamie's arc develop? I hated him in S01 and most part of S02 but I really grew fond of him. Myrcellas assasination will surely have consequences, too, but I cannot imagine Jamie leading an army into Dorne...
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 02:27:22 am by Franke »
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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2052 on: June 16, 2015, 04:39:50 am »
One of the things that I didn't really like is that all the deaths this last episode were done in very a un-GoT way, in that they lacked finality. For instance, when Ned died, we saw his head roll and then put on a spike in the next episode, or when Catelyn and Rob died, we saw her throat slit, we saw Rob's corpse paraded around. But in this season finale, where we would have to wait another year for any confirmation, almost all of the deaths that occurred could be disputed. Stannis, about to be decapitated before the classic cut-away-before-the-blow-lands tactic was used. Myrcella, being instantly "killed" by a poison that is notorious for being slow-acting and painful... makes sense, right? I mean, she came into contact with it by being kissed by someone else who had put it on her lips who-knows-how-long beforehand. They didn't sail too far away just yet, no doubt Bronn could see what's up and say "Hey, that almost happened to me, we need to find them sand ladies asap for the antidote!" at which point they turn the boat around, and we have more lovely Dorne shenanigans to look forwards to. Oh boy. Then of course Jon getting ganked was pretty straightforward, had it not been for a priestess of a faith notorious for resurrecting people arriving (for no apparent reason, mind you) only a little bit beforehand. Sure, the actor denies returning to GoT for season 6, and assuming he is indeed off the show for good, it doesn't mean that "Jon Snow" is dead... mayhaps he is resurrected and looks significantly different for some reason. Also, remember they were talking a lot about how he wouldn't be a regular for season 6 (as the leaked salary papers confirming his return said he would be), so maybe he will still show up and guest star for an episode or two near the end as one of the final shocker moments of season 6... only to then once more be a full-time cast member come season 7, or just have a very small part and never be a full-fledged credits-roll actor anymore. All in all this just leads to less of the GoT-patented shock value that they seem to strive so hard for, and more "really? I need to wait another year to know what actually happens?"
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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2053 on: June 16, 2015, 07:21:12 am »
Well, they might not be dead after all, I mean they showed how Meryn fucking Trant died but we didnt even see Stannis getting his head chopped off.Or we have seen how Joffrey died with poison but Myrcella only got her nose bleeding( I also would like to point out that Trystane Martell is on board with em)

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Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« Reply #2054 on: June 16, 2015, 08:02:17 am »
Well, they might not be dead after all, I mean they showed how Meryn fucking Trant died but we didnt even see Stannis getting his head chopped off.Or we have seen how Joffrey died with poison but Myrcella only got her nose bleeding( I also would like to point out that Trystane Martell is on board with em)

Haha to be honest I forgot Meryn Trant died. I mean, he wasn't really that major a player to care much about, other than having that "yeah, go arya" moment. No big loss really. Also I don't think Trystane would be of much help as only the sand snakes and their mom have that poison, supposedly. If anything, should they immediately turn tail and sail back to Dorne he will be a witness to plead Jaime's case.

Also, what did you guys think of the Robert Strong reveal? That face, though.  :lol:

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