RXN I wasn't there unfortunately, but in Steamchat they were writing about it afterwards, i have it still open:
00:47 - Ferretface: this guy is really really pissed off
00:47 - polkafranzi: who?
00:47 - Ferretface: apparently recording me
00:47 - Ferretface: druhzina rxn
00:47 - smilledge: ferret keeps hittin him lol
00:47 - polkafranzi: well dont hit him ffs, and apologise
00:47 - smilledge: he says hes recording it and then hes gonna report him
00:48 - polkafranzi: *sigh*
00:48 - polkafranzi: i will come eu2 in a mo, and u can explain
I think it's just the 1 teammate watching RXN, because the rest of clan who were online tonight are very respectable and I know they would have said to stop