Author Topic: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue  (Read 4176 times)

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Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2011, 07:14:01 am »
Limiting the amount of bows won't work in c-rpg because players can choose their own specialty. 

Archers have to give up the majority of their melee viability to be effective while crossbow sidearms likely don't.  Throwers I think usually give up PS in favor of PT, but they should still be decent in melee with their high strength.  I don't think looking to nerf archery AGAIN is the solution here, there are other areas that are better suited to be balanced.

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Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2011, 07:42:13 am »
I don't really experience too many problems when facing ranged folk. There is a large number of projectiles, of course, probably because it's rather easy for hybrid builds to take either an xbow or throwing weapon in addition to their primary weapon. That number of throwers/xbows is added to the number of archers. The total equals alot of shit flying through the air.

I only bemoan the lots of projectile weapons when playing as cavalry, for my horse is big and squishy, and I have to play much more sneakily than i'd like if I desire to get kills. Generally teamwork and intelligence help counter the sharp shit flying through the air, though.
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Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2011, 08:05:10 am »
The reason that people specialized in the middle ages was because, just like today, Rambo is something of stories and not reality.

Sorry man, but you obviously are basing your statement off of some fictional history and reality vs actual reality.  The reality is:  Soldiers don't "specialize".  Not even remotely like you seem to think they did.  Hell, most "peasants" knew how to shoot a bow, and use some kind of melee weapon with enough ability in order to prevent injuring themselves while making every attempt to injure the other person.  In any hunter-gatherer society and culture, this was just common practice.

Even in modern day military training just about damn near every person is trained to:
Shoot a rifle
Use grenades
Have a passable ability in hand to hand combat.

Period.  Even the desk clerks.
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Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2011, 08:20:31 am »
My horse, or rather pincushion now, knows all about coordinated archery fire. Not that it's coordinated really, but whenever they see me all turn and shoot for me :(

You are forgetting the Archer-rule...: "Cav goes down first". If I am leading a battle (or at least I try to coordinate the people in my team) I always say "Ranged aim for Cavalry!".
Cavalry is the death for Archers... and Archers are important parts of the team, too.

But I guess you raging idiots never played an archer, huh?
Then Let me tell you: As long as you are not an archery-pro, only 1 of 5 arrows hits and rarely kills. you got around 32 arrows, when you use bodkin-arrows and want to have a Meelee-weapon. So you maybe make around 10 hits and kill with 3 of them. after that the enemy jumps in your face, killing you. And that is with level 30.

In Meelee... hmm yeah you mostly suck. I use a Longsword for it... Sometimes I make Luck-Kills with it... but I am rarely able to defend myself properly. Since I know how to block a bit I can survive around 5 Seconds, hoping for my team-mates to come and help me.

You whine cuz you get hit by arrows the whole time? well... get a shield. a wooden shield costs nothing, does not need any points in shield-skill and holds 3+ arrows before shattering. And I need 4+ arrows to get somebody in heraldic mail with NO Ironflesh down. If you don't believe that we can go to the duelserver and I will show you.
If you don't want to use a shield, then you just get someone from your clan and play TOGETHER! (thats what this game is about... playing together with your team-/clanmates to win.) and you hide behind his shield.

I play on both sides of the medal. I have an archer and I have a 2h-char... my 2h-char has 2 points in shield to wear a goodlooking heraldic shield as a defense against ranged. They are not really problem for me, unless they throw shit. I also try to cover my shieldless clanmates with it.

So please... stop whineraging about archers. You will need them in Strategus to defend your castles. And when the New Weaponslot-system comes there will be no hybrid-2h-crossbowers left.

The only Issue there is Your own psychic issue... you always think about yourself. But there are other people, too. People that can help you. People that you can help. You just have to try it. Thats what clans are there for. To complete each other. You simply have to work as one unit and it will make your "life" easier.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 08:23:33 am by Niemand »
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Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2011, 08:55:22 am »
Can i complain about getting focus fired at?

Change your name or stop playing on "Goretooth". Problem solved. Lol.

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Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2011, 09:53:25 am »
I only hope the rumors of this next patch killing hybrids is true. We will see far fewer people strumming bows knowing that they won't have a polearm/2H/sword & shield to whip out in melee

Yes, 1h melee weapons are useless without a shield therefore the hybrids aswell MUST begone.  :lol:

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Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2011, 09:59:03 am »
But I guess you raging idiots never played an archer, huh?
Then Let me tell you: As long as you are not an archery-pro, only 1 of 5 arrows hits and rarely kills. you got around 32 arrows, when you use bodkin-arrows and want to have a Meelee-weapon. So you maybe make around 10 hits and kill with 3 of them. after that the enemy jumps in your face, killing you. And that is with level 30.

This, archer is for me (by far, try it!!) the hardest class to play, and having a longsword or  lhsm is not much help when you ve 0-50wpf in melee because just everyone will outspam you if you try to feint.

and this

There isn't an archer issue, honestly. Well, at least to those of us who remember how they used to be. It may seem to be ridiculous when you're running around in a gambeson with no shield and no IF, but that's your mistake.

With a shield or heavy armour, it's fine. The only time it's a real issue is when archers coordinate crossfires, and hey, I don't know about you but I like seeing people coordinate.

let's hope the two slot system fix the xbow and throwing issue.

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Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2011, 10:50:05 am »
Yes, 1h melee weapons are useless without a shield therefore the hybrids aswell MUST begone.  :lol:

I and a number of other people who regularly frequent the duel server would disagree.  I actually do much better with 1h without a shield, they are the fastest weapons in the game and if you are even just decent in manual blocking you can face-hug attack for full damage while the person you are fighting has no room to maneuver and often either whiff or do minor damage when you are that close to them.  A lot of people regularly do just as well 1her no shield as with any other class.  This hybrid nerf is long overdue and is really not a severe harm.  If you can't manual block then use a khergit with 1 stack of normal arrows and a nice spammable elegant poleaxe.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2011, 11:00:37 am »
I and a number of other people who regularly frequent the duel server would disagree.  I actually do much better with 1h without a shield, they are the fastest weapons in the game and if you are even just decent in manual blocking you can face-hug attack for full damage while the person you are fighting has no room to maneuver and often either whiff or do minor damage when you are that close to them.  A lot of people regularly do just as well 1her no shield as with any other class.  This hybrid nerf is long overdue and is really not a severe harm.  If you can't manual block then use a khergit with 1 stack of normal arrows and a nice spammable elegant poleaxe.

YOU! Stop talking! Go and retire your char to be an Archer again. You were one of the (if not THE) best archers in this mod, so you have to stick to that. -.-
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Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2011, 11:02:51 am »
Not to burst your bubble... but alot of people use 1h without shield these days. I thought my post oozed sarcasm enough, however, as a defeat I look upon this.

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Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2011, 12:50:40 pm »
Yeah, I have to admit, Sieems post was pretty obviously sarcastic. And I have no problem at all that archers/xbowers only have small sidearms, which is how it should be.

Oh, and the xbow/shielder hybrids wont be gone, they will just have to use Crossbow and not Heavy/sniper crossbow. Which I think is just fine. And hell, if they want to ever go sniper (like they defend a castle or whatever) then they can be just like a proper crossbower and play without a shield. Anyone who has seen Nemeth lately knows how awesome that can be sometimes :D
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