Author Topic: Please add slings to crpg.. slings are cool..  (Read 2789 times)

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Re: Please add slings to crpg.. slings are cool..
« Reply #30 on: December 08, 2012, 12:08:23 am »
That's called leather glove with throwing stone  :lol:

Hey whatya know? It's already IN GAME!

Since was leather cloth?
Since when did the gloves rotate?
Since when did glove require PD/PT or whatever slings would use?

And lets have a game, you throw a rock at me. I'll sling one at you. From say 50yrds? Carry on till someone dies :P

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Re: Please add slings to crpg.. slings are cool..
« Reply #31 on: December 08, 2012, 01:01:17 am »
Since was leather cloth?
Since when did the gloves rotate?
Since when did glove require PD/PT or whatever slings would use?

And lets have a game, you throw a rock at me. I'll sling one at you. From say 50yrds? Carry on till someone dies :P

Seeing as you likely have zero practice and are more likely to knock yourself out swinging that around your head, and I can certainly hit a human sized target at 50 yards, I'll take you up on that  :P
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Offline LordRichrich

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Re: Please add slings to crpg.. slings are cool..
« Reply #32 on: December 08, 2012, 03:49:42 am »
Seeing as you likely have zero practice and are more likely to knock yourself out swinging that around your head, and I can certainly hit a human sized target at 50 yards, I'll take you up on that  :P
Why the fick would I swing it round my head? O.o You swing it to the side silly. I'm not an expert, but I've had a fair bit of practice :P
And I never said we couldn't move about, so my faster shots would get you eventually ;)

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Re: Please add slings to crpg.. slings are cool..
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2014, 04:25:20 pm »
Guys i have a sling in my pocket right now. It is a zero slot item.
Simply put, it functions as the ranged equivalent to a dagger, in that it is inexpensive yet effective in skilled hands.
A blurry string attached to the hand in the throwing animation is your sling.
A sling ignores the ranged penalty from damp weather.
Regular rocks should be usable ammunition, as well as a second alternate led "bullet" with higher damage, range, and weight.
Ammo can be more numerous than bows, but not necessarily lighter; as a kinetic energy weapon, projectiles are generally dense (rocks, clay, lead). Carrying a bagful of lead is heavy.

PS holding the sling consists of crossbow pose minus crossbow with the projectile and pouch in the left hand, attached to the right hand via thongs.

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Re: Please add slings to crpg.. slings are cool..
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2014, 04:53:52 pm »
Yeah, because having the Dev's code in a new animation where the arm rotates like a spinning prop so that it can still just throw a rock is exactly how they should spend their time. And it still wouldn't look like a sling.

If you take stones, then hold them back ready to throw, then cancel, then hold attack again, keep doing it, you can make your arm rotate in circles quickly already :D

Anyway, I campaigned for slings for ages, only response I received was NO.

I also asked for them to be given some thought in MBG when I threw cash at chadz back when he first asked: again only response I got was no.
I don't know enough

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Re: Please add slings to crpg.. slings are cool..
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2014, 06:53:09 pm »
Coding flexible weapons is horribly difficult compared to solid ones.
I guess thats the reason for the clear no.
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