My fps is very inconsistent and goes to absolute crap when I get near trees.
Manufacturer HP
Model HP G62 Notebook
Processor AMD Turion II Dual core processor 2.40 GHz
Intsalled MEmory 4.00 gbs
System type 64 bit OS
I'm not good with pcs and was told to post this. Not sure if its helpful at all.
EDIT: Something xol told me, helped out a lot!
<16:40:37> "Xol": 1) go to Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\
<16:40:46> "Xol": 2) edit crpg_beta_config.ini with notepad
<16:41:05> "Xol": 3) change bOnDemandTextures=true to bOnDemandTextures=false