cant players get personal warcries too? like every single player? HRE ragers like dansin (who doesnt play anymore since a while) would get the generic start of a german rage: 'AAAH MANN'. so they can qqv in-game and than start raging in ts.
some other suggestions:
rogue: 'shut up no rules'
ulter: 'no rules is cool'
me: 'ulter is a fucktard'
kowcioo: well i dont know, if you would record his rage you would want to permamute his ass i think. probably something like 'WHATHEFFFFFFFFFUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!'
oh and philtherapist: 'trolololoooo'
tindel:'its the alcohols fault'
no, but seriously. i love this idea however spam would be able to get pretty annoying. and offcourse we will need good rules on it so you cant abuse it.