So I did a gen of thrower and went back to archer. Perhaps no other archer is complaining about this because A: Lots of them re-rolled to another class and B: Few archers shoot across the map on a regular basis.
So what I've noticed is that since the last patch, I can BARELY see my arrows up to mid-range, after that they are invisible.
Were there changes made? We SHOULD be able to see where are arrows land so that we can adjust our shots. Archers are for shooting at RANGE. If you need to be that close to see your missile, and can't shoot at range anymore, why play an archer? Just grab a thrower and a 2 hander or a 1 hander and shield and be proficient at BOTH. I really don't get why this would be changed.
Used to be you could use Flying_missile to replace and actually see them, but no more.
Boo on you.

P.S. - I also think that the fact that HA's can't shoot to the right is pretty damn lame for balance.