Author Topic: Flying missiles  (Read 635 times)

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Flying missiles
« on: November 30, 2012, 05:00:36 am »
So I did a gen of thrower and went back to archer. Perhaps no other archer is complaining about this because A: Lots of them re-rolled to another class and B: Few archers shoot across the map on a regular basis.

So what I've noticed is that since the last patch, I can BARELY see my arrows up to mid-range, after that they are invisible.

Were there changes made? We SHOULD be able to see where are arrows land so that we can adjust our shots. Archers are for shooting at RANGE. If you need to be that close to see your missile, and can't shoot at range anymore, why play an archer? Just grab a thrower and a 2 hander or a 1 hander and shield and be proficient at BOTH. I really don't get why this would be changed.

Used to be you could use Flying_missile to replace and actually see them, but no more.

Boo on you.  :cry:

P.S. - I also think that the fact that HA's can't shoot to the right is pretty damn lame for balance.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 06:29:47 am by Rumblood »
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Re: Flying missiles
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2012, 06:47:07 am »
Ye they pretty much invisible right now;

Most people tinker with their monitor / wipe their eyes a few times / install custom arrows texture to fix it; but it would be beneficial to have a reworked to be seen default arrow model.

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Re: Flying missiles
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2012, 07:00:52 am »

Old arrow/bolt flying model

For me, and for a whole lot of people, new "realistic" arrows are rather impossible to track in flight. Therefore here's how you can bring back the old, "blurred" and much larger version of flying projectiles.

As for now, you can just use this made by me itemkinds1 file which does the trick (though when cRPG updates it might replace it or it become incompatible)  (updated 18-11-12)

What to do with this:
1. Backup itemkinds1.txt, it's in Modules/cRPG
2. Copy the downloaded file there and overwrite.

Now, the manual method (when above becomes outdated) looks like this:

(click to show/hide)

You mean this has stopped working?
Mods compatible with cRPG. New crosshairs, textures, sounds, yay.

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Re: Flying missiles
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2012, 07:36:01 am »
I am currently on my 3rd generation of arbalest, and I do find it a bit hard to see my bolts. However, there seems to be a blatant drop-pattern similar to bulletspread in counter-strike, so I can simply ignore the physical bolt model and predict where my shots will land efficiently.

For those of you not using a MW arbalest, I do pity you.
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Re: Flying missiles
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2012, 07:30:02 pm »
You mean this has stopped working?

I did it manually last night and didn't notice a difference. Maybe I goofed, could you check?
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