KV-2.... good times. Gotta love the side-armor of Ferdinands. Got right through, always a pleasure seeing 900hp flying off his healthbar.... xD
British Heavy-Line gets better at Tier 8. Caernarvon is a beast, same as the Conqueror. FV215b is decent, but only for the 2nd or 3rd row, cause the armor is quite weak. DPM is really nice though, as for all Brits. British Medium line is, if you ever intend to participate in Clanwars, not the best line to choose. FV4202 doesn't appear in roster on a frequent basis, mainly because his topspeed is too slow.
And yes, Clanwars Global Map is actually quite similar to Strategus, but it has fixed Battletimes (first battles start at around 18:00 CET, if you are in a landing tournament it can last until 23:45 CET roundabout, but it all depends on the Timezone of that province (18:00, 19:00 or 20:00 from east to west)