Author Topic: BAN Merc_Bjord  (Read 7947 times)

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #30 on: November 27, 2012, 10:38:09 am »
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come on lets just close this thread and play the game best for everyone

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #31 on: November 27, 2012, 11:05:45 am »
No, don't lock it - I wanna see how this plays out :3
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #32 on: November 27, 2012, 03:59:13 pm »
Actually, it is highly relevant since he's not even supposed to post here at all, according to the rules (which he was very quick to point out about my transgression). I've been warned for rather sensible posts in the ban section, but since I wasn't there, my opinion was superflous and not needed at all.

Funny how you keep repeating "your bad behaviour" and "nobody likes you" etc etc. Lucky charm words so admins feel more inclined to do as you ask?

When it all boils down I only killed your horse, and we even won that round AFAIK (connection?). You're a highly incompetent player as cavalry, so I probably did a lot of people a favour.
 Yes, that makes sense actually. Your awareness isn't very high to begin with, since you clearly missed the other enemy who managed to hit me twice. He was on my left and you bumped me from behind. I think you simply don't care if you bump me or not, given your fondness of me.

Now stop going off-topic and stick to the incident, your opinion of me has been noted. We all got it, you don't like me.

Well im still on the topic of getting you banned even if I left this specific incident for a second. You were just a random teammate that unfortunately had to take the bump from my horse. It could have been anyone. I've never said that nobody likes you, i'm simply trying to get my point across.
Trollers hear me, i rek you all motherfuckers in real life. You think you can troll me like this behind your screen foking nerd asses? I m gonna find you and ban your ass myseld.

I m watching you

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #33 on: November 27, 2012, 04:06:58 pm »
wouldn't that in bjord's case mean permaban without the chance to write an unban essay as he already did that? - maybe reconsider that request for such a bagatelle..

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #34 on: November 27, 2012, 04:10:57 pm »
I know I don't have to write in Ban thread but my point of view can help...

I m very often raging because of stupid blind horse bumps during fight.... GOOD ALLOWED UNBANNABLE

I TH on purpose my mate cause I hate him and his four legs friend..... BAD WRONG BANNABLE

I can ask for BAN for player because I hate him.... BAD WRONG EVIL

I can ask for BAN for players when they aboooze and TH and TK and run naked leeching.... GOOD SAFE RIGHT

I accept the M press when I bump my mate accidentally ... GOOD ALLOWED UNBANNABLE

I will be BAN for that behaviour.... NOOOOOOOO because is the only behaviour to have in game

So, Team Hit on purpose for stupid bump (even it is just killing the horse) IS BANNABLE. The personnality behind the keyboard and the other events before the TH cannot be an excuse for volountary TH...

It is my opinion.I hope that will help you to understand and help admins to make good choice.

Bjord, I have nothing against you no more no less than against other Team Hiters....

Thank you for attention..I m waiting for WARN message...  :?

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #35 on: November 27, 2012, 04:12:53 pm »
Bjord is very immature in his conduct in c-rpg chat and he has several times launched unreasonable amounts of rage against me and my hot plated charger, I suggest a permaban.
Yeah aren't you the guy who asked for permaban for someone who just teamkilled you in one round ? I think YOU should be permabanned from cRPG forever.

In this case, Bjord should not get any punishment. Because of Kenda being suck in cavalry and makes lots of teammates suffer from his bumps and even coming here making a topic just because of his HORSE get killed is fucking pathetic. People like you should be banned actually.

Offline Kenda

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2012, 04:21:07 pm »
Yeah aren't you the guy who asked for permaban for someone who just teamkilled you in one round ? I think YOU should be permabanned from cRPG forever.

In this case, Bjord should not get any punishment. Because of Kenda being suck in cavalry and makes lots of teammates suffer from his bumps and even coming here making a topic just because of his HORSE get killed is fucking pathetic. People like you should be banned actually.

I have never seen you ingame so I have no idea where you base your claims that i'm bad at cavalry and "makes lots" of teambumps on, or did you just take that from the fact that i bumped bjord once?
Trollers hear me, i rek you all motherfuckers in real life. You think you can troll me like this behind your screen foking nerd asses? I m gonna find you and ban your ass myseld.

I m watching you

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2012, 04:22:02 pm »
I remeber it like it was yesterday..
I just got the game, first time playing...
I took out my peasant knife from my belt and prepared myself for battle.
But, my life ended before I even got to the fight.
Out of nowhere, mine ally Bjorn ran up to me, punched me a few times for being too inexperienced and then he pulled out his blade and quickly struck down.
I asked why he killed me, and all I got back was "threat eliminated", the very same words he used when he brutally massacred the noble horse of Kenda.
I say we take no more of this! I say we fight the very root of evil!

I say we ban Bjord once and for all.
but dont stole a item when someone want to use it or stay near from it
because you dont if it the item of the people or not
use or own

Offline Arqune

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2012, 05:45:07 pm »
Ay bore, I know of what you speak.
I have spent many nights awake pondering on one question,
the voice inside my head screams impossibly loud and this question can now no longer sit in the shadows, ignored and forgotten.
Why Bjord.... Why?

Three fortnights ago it all started, the day I have tried to forget but to my disappointment seems utterly impossible.
The screams of my fallen comrades still echo inside my skull and the one thing I remember more clear than anything else,
is the smile.. the wretched smile that almost seemed to be scarred into the face of the man who did this atrocity. I later learned the name of this beast of a man. Bjord the Ass-hole, I still feel my mouth drying up when speaking the words of his name and thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. The squad I was with, we had been fighting alongside one another for 9 years, I had hand picked every last one of them, including Bjord, he didn't seem to be a threat back then. I can still recall his hideously disproportional face and that weird smile he carried around with it. No one saw it coming.. no one knew.. one day just before the battle was to take place there was a fight in the camps, nothing big just a heated argument. That's what we all thought anyhow. We get out into the field and see the enemy before us, savages all of them no more wit than that of a back alley whore. But they knew their way around the art of war, so did we. Suddenly a large fire appears in the enemy camps and we see this as our chance, so we seize this opportunity and charge the scum that dare stand in our way. Cold sweat dripping down the back of my neck and the wind in my face grew all but stronger. A heart piercing shriek is heard within our own midsts and I look back, panic strikes me like a father strikes a disobedient son. I can see my trusted friend fall in his own blood, nothing but a gurgling sound is heard and the next thing I knew another one goes down.. and another one. I ride out of the mass to see what truly is going on, that's when I see it. Madness incarnate, death, piss and blood that is what I saw that day. Bjord's face was lightened with something out of a horror-tale. His eyes freezing as a winters night, cold and unforgiving. Soon my entire squad lies in their own guts and blood and emptiness fills the void that used to be my soul. I look over to Bjord and asked him with rage and sadness fuelling my words. WHY BJORD? WHY?.. Silence strikes, only the sound of the enemies horse's advancing is heard in the distance. He takes a long breath, looks up and without blinking says " He bumped me with his horse". The enemy is now closing in on us and I run, as long as my horse could run and further. Today I realize I should have killed that excuse of a man the moment I saw him.
So now I ask thee, avenge us, do what is right.. Few men have a chance of doing what is truly right and you are one of those men. So do what is true and righteous and kill him. Kill him for what is pure and right, kill him for justice.

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #39 on: November 27, 2012, 06:13:41 pm »
Essay on philosophy

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #40 on: November 27, 2012, 06:20:16 pm »
Its the same as if an archer blame their ally if he accidentally shoots him while hes doing a melee stance with some enemies. If you are a cav player don't charge into a friendlys fight when your not sure you can take out the enemy without hurting your teammate.
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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #41 on: November 27, 2012, 06:34:38 pm »
Ay bore, I know of what you speak.
I have spent many nights awake pondering on one question,
the voice inside my head screams impossibly loud and this question can now no longer sit in the shadows, ignored and forgotten.
Why Bjord.... Why?

Three fortnights ago it all started, the day I have tried to forget but to my disappointment seems utterly impossible.
The screams of my fallen comrades still echo inside my skull and the one thing I remember more clear than anything else,
is the smile.. the wretched smile that almost seemed to be scarred into the face of the man who did this atrocity. I later learned the name of this beast of a man. Bjord the Ass-hole, I still feel my mouth drying up when speaking the words of his name and thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. The squad I was with, we had been fighting alongside one another for 9 years, I had hand picked every last one of them, including Bjord, he didn't seem to be a threat back then. I can still recall his hideously disproportional face and that weird smile he carried around with it. No one saw it coming.. no one knew.. one day just before the battle was to take place there was a fight in the camps, nothing big just a heated argument. That's what we all thought anyhow. We get out into the field and see the enemy before us, savages all of them no more wit than that of a back alley whore. But they knew their way around the art of war, so did we. Suddenly a large fire appears in the enemy camps and we see this as our chance, so we seize this opportunity and charge the scum that dare stand in our way. Cold sweat dripping down the back of my neck and the wind in my face grew all but stronger. A heart piercing shriek is heard within our own midsts and I look back, panic strikes me like a father strikes a disobedient son. I can see my trusted friend fall in his own blood, nothing but a gurgling sound is heard and the next thing I knew another one goes down.. and another one. I ride out of the mass to see what truly is going on, that's when I see it. Madness incarnate, death, piss and blood that is what I saw that day. Bjord's face was lightened with something out of a horror-tale. His eyes freezing as a winters night, cold and unforgiving. Soon my entire squad lies in their own guts and blood and emptiness fills the void that used to be my soul. I look over to Bjord and asked him with rage and sadness fuelling my words. WHY BJORD? WHY?.. Silence strikes, only the sound of the enemies horse's advancing is heard in the distance. He takes a long breath, looks up and without blinking says " He bumped me with his horse". The enemy is now closing in on us and I run, as long as my horse could run and further. Today I realize I should have killed that excuse of a man the moment I saw him.
So now I ask thee, avenge us, do what is right.. Few men have a chance of doing what is truly right and you are one of those men. So do what is true and righteous and kill him. Kill him for what is pure and right, kill him for justice.

I like it!  :mrgreen:
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Offline Kenda

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #42 on: November 27, 2012, 06:48:45 pm »
Its the same as if an archer blame their ally if he accidentally shoots him while hes doing a melee stance with some enemies. If you are a cav player don't charge into a friendlys fight when your not sure you can take out the enemy without hurting your teammate.

That was not the case, it wasnt intentional to bump the enemy either, it was a quick reaction that led into two accidental bumps, Bjord and the enemy player he was fighting.
Trollers hear me, i rek you all motherfuckers in real life. You think you can troll me like this behind your screen foking nerd asses? I m gonna find you and ban your ass myseld.

I m watching you

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #43 on: November 27, 2012, 07:01:51 pm »
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When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.

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Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« Reply #44 on: November 27, 2012, 09:40:47 pm »
Id say give Bjordy another chance. I too am infantry and so I too feel the pain when a shithead teammate horseman runs you over and you die. Or bumps you for many rounds in a row.  It sucks ass and frankly I aswell have managed to barely contain myself from killing a teammates horse. Seriuslly kenda, kick poll of banpoll for 1h should have been enough. You probably got him killed aswell with those bumps. Those may not count as TKs or THs, but really they should.