Play on another server then, nobody forces you. If I dont have fun playing the game I stop and do something else. Try EU4, try EU2 or EU3 if you just want to duel. What happened to the melee server? Is it still there? If yes, why is it empty when ranged is so terrible?
The thing is, i do enjoy battle the most. I do not like siege that much, but recently i have to play there in order to be able to actually get some playing done, not just shot to shit the second i spawn. When the ranged my old friends are all on one team, during the morning/early day, its pretty much a win for them, last guys are one or two poor fella against gang of ranged usually. Melee only is retarded, ranged fits to this game, just not in these numbers.
I will just go fucking retarded cunt with xbow and blend in. (funny how you did not mentioned the "get a shield")