Here's the proposal to replace the arrow weight. The goal is to address the kiting archer without penalizing the other valid playstyles.
An archer must have a strung bow in order to use it. Back in ye olden days, you didn't run around with your bow strung up all the time. So here's the proposal:
While using a strung bow, archers receive a 50%athletics penalty. Press whatever key to unstring it and run around with 100% athletics.
While unstrung, you can't use your bow. Press left click and it should go through a timer the same as reloading an arbalest. Once it is restrung, you may use it again, but are back to 50% athletics.
So an archer trying to kite will be easily caught, or to get speed, must suffer the same penalty as a xbow and find a place to hide to restring their bow after running away.
Archers who have the balls to break out their melee weapon don't suffer from slow footwork.
Archers who use light bows but don't kite won't suffer their arrows flying only 50 feet due to the reduced arc because of the extra weight of the arrows.
What do you think?