Author Topic: If you could change the way strategus battles work...  (Read 4667 times)

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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #30 on: November 19, 2012, 12:49:39 pm »
Input: 2 parties, different troops, different weapons, fighting on different locations (villages, castles, towns, plains)
Ingame Battle: ?
Output: 1 party wins.

Two parties. Troop number is the amount of tickets that human players can use. However, independent of this figure there are a number of commandable bots on either side. They are equipped with selections of the weapons that the commanders bought, with stats that allow them to use any weapon, to a minimum of use, i.e. enough power throw to use throwing spears but not enough wpf. Or perhaps power draw for any bow but no horse archery. Locations would have to be redesigned with AI maps (which is a crazy stupid amount of work but it's ok because brainstorming). These bots might make adequate spawn guards if commanded by a single human player. Also bots could populate random roving parties (opportunity for creative dev with ideas for custom troop design) and attack Strat players, and people could still sign up and fight on either side etc. Maybe devs could even have limited control over the movements of such parties.

Cons: bots in Strat?!?!?! Impossibru.
Pros: bots in Strat. Always some kind of standing army (albeit a naked one if you have no equipment).

Expecting lots of minuses.
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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #31 on: November 19, 2012, 01:29:15 pm »
2 ideas --


Make the 3 flags spawn at the start of the battle, and change the ticket system so it works in a similar way to the way it does in some ticket games (battlefield 2 off the top of my head) ...

 Where if team 1 controls 2/3 flags and team 2 controls 1/3 flags, then every time a person from team 1 spawns it will use 2 tickets, and every time someone from team 3 spawns it will use 3 tickets. If someone captures all of the flag points, then their team loses just 1 ticket per respawn whilst the enemy loses 3 tickets per respawn. Basically whoever controls the most flags loses the least tickets.

This means teams will have to think more tactically about taking areas of the map and holding them, rather than just constantly deathmatching into each other. Splitting up into units per team using teamwork and stuff could spice things up a hell of a lot :).

Injection of tactics and map control into strat would not be a bad thing i think ? ;)


increase the respawn timer by a Lot -- make it so that people have to really really value their lives (im talking like a 30 second starting respawn timer increasing by ~~3 seconds per death)

 -- that would make people value their lives a lot more, and therefore ... make tactics more important ...

of course if you were doing this, you'd have to make the battles a lot shorter by reducing tickets by ~~ 1/3 what they are atm.

Also the tickets system in strat battles, what do you think about this, completely separate from my other idea,
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 01:33:26 pm by Corsair831 »
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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #32 on: November 19, 2012, 01:37:28 pm »
Add physical presence on map as a factor in how big roster is.

This is just an example so numbers could be worked out:

If every battle would have 50 slots available for battle, half of which would be for people from anywhere on the map and the other half for people in the close proximity to the person that attacks/defends, i think this would make strategus/battles much more dynamic.

- You would punish large faction for streching too much, leaving them vurnable in certain parts of their empire (No 50 man roster in every battle)
- Players that are in physical range of battle would have very high chance of joining (instead of not being accepted due to lack of place in roster)
- More power to small factions, which can make use of the bigger roster if they play it smart on strategus map
- A true place for mercenaries in strategus, by getting hired they would follow their employer and make use of the close proximity slots.

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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #33 on: November 19, 2012, 01:40:40 pm »
Add physical presence on map as a factor in how big roster is.

This is just an example so numbers could be worked out:

If every battle would have 50 slots available for battle, half of which would be for people from anywhere on the map and the other half for people in the close proximity to the person that attacks/defends, i think this would make strategus/battles much more dynamic.

- You would punish large faction for streching too much, leaving them vurnable in certain parts of their empire (No 50 man roster in every battle)
- Players that are in physical range of battle would have very high chance of joining (instead of not being accepted due to lack of place in roster)
- More power to small factions, which can make use of the bigger roster if they play it smart on strategus map
- A true place for mercenaries in strategus, by getting hired they would follow their employer and make use of the close proximity slots.

Sounds nice and I +1 the general idea but it screams to me "please engage in account sharing as i need 25 mindless clones to follow my army around the map".
Smooth is the admin NA deserves. Not being that much better, EU deserves Thomek.
[18:25] <@chadz> soon(tm)

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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #34 on: November 19, 2012, 03:23:03 pm »
1.) A greater emphasis on commander skill and tactical prowess should be implemented.  IMO player skill should be less important in strat battles than cRPG.  Players should fuction far more like a drone for the commander and team cohesion and strategy should be rewarded.

2.)Aggressive play should be rewarded, dropping enemy flags and control of the map should result in reward.  Players should not be punished for attacking and should be incentiviced to take the initative and attack and enemy rather than waiting to defend.

3a.) Spawn waves should also be introduced, of which the commander may decide what gear the players may choose from.  Commanders should be able to automatically see players stats so that they may pre assign them to a battalion which can have certain equipment available to it, i.e. Heavy inf, Lancer, Archer etc.

3b.) A central area of the map should also be the key objective, controlling this area would allow for ddecreased time between spawn waves. 

4a.) Auto-generated maps should be removed entirely fram strategus and replaced with a series of precreated battle maps.  I believe a project for briges has already begun, but i believe all maps should be premade to avoide the rediculously unbalanced maps.

4b.) Make it so an attack may select the map he wishes (available froma  regional pool i.e. desert, mountain, plains, snowy etc.) as well as the time for attack, which is limited to prime time depending on the continent he is on.  Defenders should be allowed to appeal this via seperate selection, at an expence of reduced set up time in game.  Failure by the attacker to meet the defenders appeal should result in increased defender set up time.  The aim of this would be to encourage cohesion and better battle times / maps.

Feel free to comment and critize these ideas, there just a few that popped into my head while sat in uni. I'm sure many have terrible flaws or abuses that i havent seen. :)

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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #35 on: November 19, 2012, 03:36:42 pm »
Sounds nice and I +1 the general idea but it screams to me "please engage in account sharing as i need 25 mindless clones to follow my army around the map".

This. uhhh did I really say that???? :rolleyes:

It would mostly mean forum wars: "c'mon loosers, y u no attacking us, carebearing should be banned, we are waiting for u", instead of "real" ones....
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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #36 on: November 19, 2012, 03:51:03 pm »
Sounds nice and I +1 the general idea but it screams to me "please engage in account sharing as i need 25 mindless clones to follow my army around the map".

follow mode on map is already in ;]

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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #37 on: November 19, 2012, 05:20:32 pm »
I don't know. Firstly i wanna say that gathering good army to enjoy battle takes ages. Buying loomed equipment around whole map, endless trading, crazy slow movement speed makes whole gameplay procces really boring. It would be good if devs could add more dynamic in gameplay. Faster travel, faster army gathering and faster money earning...

 About battles. As we have eu map splitted on two huge sides - UIF vs Anti-UIF - so problem with roster for small clans partitially solved cause if you will attack or defend against UIF faction for example, so you can count on guys from Anti-UIF coalition to join battle on your side, there is always ppl who wants to help you with battle even comanding and they even can allow you to use their TS channel. So to roster its not big problem untill we have this "cold war" (thanks to UIF).

But what i have miss in strategus is RPG element for building my army. In singleplayer i enjoyed travel around map and hire different units in different fiefs. Each unit had different stats and upgrade tree. With every battle units are gaining xp, they lvl up and become stronger. From peasants to knights. It was fun. Why we cant use this in strat? Let players hire different units with pre-defined builds that they will reach in the end of trainings and lets players play in battles for those units in battle. And only army generals can use they "real" cRPG builds - to feel them selves as heroes against low lvl soldiers! :)
There is many others ideas about such kind gameplay, more strategic and RPG elements to discuss to make strategus playable and joyfull. :)
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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #38 on: November 19, 2012, 05:30:10 pm »
 :arrow: The making of more location specific strat maps that many mappers are working on right now is clutch.

If the battle occurs at a bridge, it should be a bridge map.
If the battle occurs in the forest, it should be a forest map.
If the battle occurs in the snowy mountains, it should be a snowy mountain map.

This way armies engaging in the open would have options available to them.  One might actually WANT to go through forests to avoid a big army trailing them or something, especially if they are low on horses (a forest map would cut down the effectiveness of cav).

 :arrow: In addition to this, make it so that an army on the map could "fortify" itself.  It would take 2h or something but it would basically mean that if an army fortified and got attacked, they would spawn as defenders in a very very basic defensive area - like inside a circle of spikes with a couple raised platforms for archers, some tents, etc. 
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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #39 on: November 19, 2012, 09:02:44 pm »
Other than maps I don't think the battles themselves need to change.

I would like to change the roster system though and here's how

Split rosters into two

Section 1 = Soldiers
- Soldiers' rosters are done via a white list. 
- All your own faction plus your "listed allies" automatically get white listed.
- Individual Players can also be white listed
- The roster size for these is approximately half what it is now but it only controls the number of your white listed players that can be spawned at the same time.
- Spawning is done in turn with the spawn timer determining your place in the queue.
- Soldiers use up whatever equipment your character has on them

Section 2 = Commoners
- Commoners' rosters are done via blacklist
- Your "listed enemies" are automatically black listed and individual players and clans can also be black listed
- Players can also be black listed mid battle.
- Commoners' rosters are unlimited in size but with the same limit on troops spawned at once.
- If both sides have extra commoners present within a battle then the spawned troops limit will get automatically increased.  It cannot go lower than the default though.
- Commoners do not use up tickets and will continue to spawn until the Soldiers have used up all the armies tickets.
- Commoners use default free equipment (both as attackers and defenders)
- The level of the free gear is increased to include 20-25BA stuff and slightly better weapons so that people are no longer peasants.
- Commoners can earn some sort of Valour based XP reward for doing well (Soldiers can't).

What the above achieves
- A Drop in nature to Strat Battles whereby casual players don't need directly accepting but won't damage their team by dying often or not following orders.  If they are truely annoying or TK they can be immediately black listed though.
- Less stress on normal players in battle.  If you can only fight the first 20 mins then this is now fine.
- A nice reward for players that die less
- A bad side to having too many players in your alliance as your good players will spawn less often.
- Room for less skilled players and newbies in battles

The above is more than a little complicated and I have explained it very badly so have fun working it out :D

Here's an example to help though
1000 vs 1000 battle
 old roster size = 50
Max Soldiers spawned at once = 25
Max Commoners Spawned at once = 25 (unless both teams have extra commoners)
Max Soldier tickets = 1000
Max Commoner Tickets = infinite
Battle ends once a team loses all its Soldier Tickets

There's a few other ways or doing this as well rather than black lists and white lists - but you did ask for big changes :D
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 09:07:35 pm by Tomas »

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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #40 on: November 19, 2012, 09:22:05 pm »
First of all, good luck reading all these wall of texts, if you ever will.

Idea 1
I'll start with the TL;DR version: Strategus battles like regular battle mode

With that out of the way, let's elaborate. The current battles are basically a huge grindfest, where only global tactics have any use and yet it is mostly equipment and ticket count that decides who wins. Respawns make the game an hour long deathmatch. I say remove respawns, imagine regular battle mode with 120 players on, with all of them on teamspeak. Wouldn't that be glorious? Every order a commander gives matters, every player that dies, is gone for good. If you manage to catch the enemy archers off guard, they are dead forever, instead of just respawning ten seconds later, making your clever ploy a waste of time. I know it is pretty crazy, but just think about it.

Example of ticket scaling. 500 troops (A) attack a 1000 troops (B). If 120 players is the total troop count that means A gets 40 players while B gets 80. They spawn, fight until 1 side is dead, end of battle. Yes, A will get its buttraped by B. That is what you get for fighting a 1 to 2 battle.

I am convinced that this would be epic for field battles, but sieges would pose a problem, Their defensive position will grant them to many kills before the attackers are able to get a foothold. I have some solutions but I am pretty sure that my idea is deemed too radical anyway, so I can't be arsed to double my wall of text.

Idea 2
In any case, the respawn speed should be reduced and there should be ticket scaling. 2000 tickets actually meaning 2000 players that have to die, makes any battle devoid of tactics. Scale everything to 500 per team and do reinforcement respawning like in singleplayer. The dead people of your team respawn as soon as you get below 1/4th or maybe 1/2 of the players alive. This will create a natural wave system and a tactical element that will greatly increase the importance of proper commanding, maneuvering and troop composition.

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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #41 on: November 19, 2012, 09:45:10 pm »
Something like this  :arrow:

Basically stats for STRAT only which you get to assign and can respec (with some delay) that make your character on the map different than someone elses.  Maybe some people are generals, others are traders, others are lords, etc etc...with different skills.

(This is for strat in general but applies to battles since, for example, those that choose combat leading skills would be have advantages when they led an army)
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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #42 on: November 20, 2012, 12:14:21 am »
I would like to see it where you do not always have to play your regular Crpg build.

Maybe make the person when they hire build a ratio of types of troops they hire.

archer/shield/two hander.. Would make buying equipment easier since you know how many of each type of unit your army is marching with. Then when you spawn pick the type you want. Comes with the load out already purchased and a pre determined build by the owner of that army.

When that army is out of archers... no more spawning as one. Pick a different type.

Would make planning for fights more interesting.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 12:19:15 am by BaleOhay »
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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #43 on: November 20, 2012, 01:59:43 am »
I generally like strategus chadz. It doesn't need a re-design.

I would do 2 big changes. Both of them I analytically laid down in the 2 following threads.
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Please read the suggestions chadz. I think they would vastly improve strategus.

Also yeah...get rid of raid, or at least re-design it so the defenders get at least a part of the population to come to the battle.
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Re: If you could change the way strategus battles work...
« Reply #44 on: November 20, 2012, 02:18:50 am »
Two free-floating commanders who are pretty much in spect mode, they assign their troops to different groups and set flags like go-to/assault here/defend this for them. Basically RTS game for two people, TPP for the rest. Link it with XP/gold for being near your group-flag like it was in the ancient times in cRPG battles.

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« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 02:28:15 am by Tot. »
Mods compatible with cRPG. New crosshairs, textures, sounds, yay.